the following article will address these questions, and attempt to answer them.. after helping jwfacts with his page on animal suffering, i decided to write this article.. it is mainly aimed at helping jehovahs witnesses and other believers in god to think about the issue, as well as the apparent contradictions in watchtower teaching.. thanks must go to jwfacts for the encouragement, and giving me permission to use an image from his page and to use some of the quotes.. also, thankyou to cofty for general moral support.. please let me know what you think everybody, and feel free to reproduce any part or all of the article on any other website, just post and let me know that you've used it on your site please.. (i'd appreciate it if anyone could post to tell me they found a point in here useful, it would encourage me to keep going).. okay, here it is:.
i haven't been here for about 10 months and just looked over some topics to update myself, well i came back for a very particular reason... my family was, father, mother, sister and i... the split up (4 years ago), only my father remained jw, my sister left but lives with him, and i've been living by myselft over the last months sharing an apartment with my girlfriend (worldly) an his brother (worldly) (we are a "modern family" hahahaha).... so the relation with my father have been in many different phases the last 4 years, having in mind that he cheated my mom with her best friend (woman) within the congregation an married her just few months ago... so today it's my birthday and i called dad and told him that i had a great time anyway and that to be "even more pagan" i set up my christmas tree today.... he had never questioned me for dating and living with my current girfriend nor tried to "bring me back to the congregation", but he replied to me: "hey, talking about being a pagan, i'm not confortable with things now because i want us to como closer together again and do more things like having lunch or whathever and your are now df, can you talk to the elders and take back the letter you sent them da-ing so we can share more?".
i don't know what to do, i really mean what i wrote in my d.a.
letter, i needed to vent what i think of the borg now, i'm no way taking it back, those are like my luther's theses ... i can't believe my father divorced my mother on no biblical ground, continued dating her best jw friend, and 3 years later they got married and are a happy respectable "christian" couple... and now he suddendly is not confortable with me because i sent a letter to the elders telling them i no longer believed the same shit they do... my sister simply stopped attending meetings and dated worldly boys, celebrate xmas, birthdays and stuff, but with me is different just because i have a clearer idea of who i really am and i'm trying to live by that.. i thinks this whole thing is unfair, he is totally blackmailing me, it's been years to get to this friendly level with my father, and now he is adding this awful pressure.
i`m sorry Mandrake but my blood boils reading this , cognitive dissonance ? hypocrisy ? Rationalizing ones own lifestyle while condemning someone else`s who probably mirrors your own .Double standards etc.
take care mandrake ,however can`t Lothar sort this all out ?
i`m just curious as to what /who i dedicated/baptized my life to in 1960 compared to who or what j.w.`s are being baptized/dedicating their life into this present day ?.
I`m just curious as to what /who I dedicated/baptized my life to in 1960 compared to who or what J.W.`s are being baptized/dedicating their life into this present day ?
And what scenarios this could lead into ? if any ? Would my baptism still be valid ? and should it be ?
If they can move the goalposts after I have made my baptism/dedication, do I not have the same courtesy to reneg my baptism ? because of what they now claim I never accepted that definition or understanding.?
If the JW/WT can change the wording of the baptismal questions ,cant I then challenge the validity of my baptism when I made it? If not why not ?
I do not want to be a people pleaser, living my life according to other people's opinions.
Good for you I could/can never understand how some people are so concerned about what other people think of them that they end up living a life dictated by what they think other people think of them ,to me it`s just crazy thinking.
And it`s not just JW`s who fall into that trap I`ve noticed it in the real world also.
Crazy !! these people are wasting their one life trying to please other people who don`t give a shit about them.
I must have been getting near the end of my tether with the religion at a convention in Lang Park in Qld Aust., to go to a pub and watch the Grand final of an AFL match while my wife & children were with "friends" still at the convention.
It must have been my early awakenings without my realizing it.
because someone needs my help.. as a jw -- you can relate -- i truly believed that what everyone really needed was the kingdom hope and its eventual reality.
you know, the hope that does not lead to disappointment.
of course, if anyone needed practical help with a task or getting through some difficulty, most of us realized that was part of being a helpful and caring friend (or family member).. at nearly seventy years of age -- no, i didn't enter the promised kingdom in my healthful and vibrant youth -- my getting out of bed isn't so bad.