Surely the number of 144,000 has been achieved 1,000 times over since the first century AD..
Think about it ,a football stadium can hold on average 40-60 thousand people ,here in Melbourne the MCG can hold 100,000 people for one game.In one day.
And Jehovah`s Witnesses would like to have us believe that in over 2,000 years the almighty God Jehovah still hasn`t been able to find 144,000 out of faithful men and women to obtain this number of 144,000
Their have been Billions of Christians these past 2000 years who have lived and died many of which went through persecution,torture and even death upholding their faith in God and Jesus.
And their weren`t enough of these to fill the 144,000 anointed ?
And none of these were faithful enough to of the anointed ?
According to the latest figures their is now something like 18,000 who are /claim to be of the anointed today ?