Welcome kohanic ,whatever you do don`t show your hand to your family or to anyone in the congregation.
Keep your hand close to your chest and don`t let anyone see it.
Explanation :
These are good tips for poker players ,as well as don`t give your intentions away by body language or facial expressions.
In other words do not let others know what your intentions are before you decide what to do with your life.
You say you are still at home and are not yet ready to venture out on your own ,then the sensible thing here is do not let anyone know your intentions. Right ?
And if you do not want to cause rifts with your parents/guardians do not advertise what you intend to do beforehand.
Wait until you have everything under control and are prepared to make the break , even then do you have to make an issue out of your break ?
Why make a statement about anything ,just leave when the time comes without feeling the need to explain yourself .
You don`t owe an explanation to anyone either family or church/Elders etc. anyone .