Here in Gippsland Vic, is in the mid 20c and we expect 40c this coming Saturday.
How do you guys survive in -30 to -40 below freezing i`ll never understand wind chill or not.
Stay safe and WARM
it's a cold 13 degrees fahrenheit in tennessee this morning where i live.
glad i'm retired and don't have to work outside today.
what about where you live.
Here in Gippsland Vic, is in the mid 20c and we expect 40c this coming Saturday.
How do you guys survive in -30 to -40 below freezing i`ll never understand wind chill or not.
Stay safe and WARM
how about .... the international brotherhood of stupidity.. the righteous zombies club .
How about ,
"Jehovah not His Real Name Witnesses "
all of the names attributed to the almighty god are nothing more than the inventions and imaginations of imperfect human beings.. their are only four hebrew letters that are attributed to god in the hebrew scriptures known as the tetragrammaton usually translated as jhvh or more accurately yhwh .. their is no tetragrammaton or it`s equivalent in the christian greek scriptures which can easily be attested to by looking at the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures of the new testament published by the wtb&ts a word for word translation of the greek text.. anything other than that is an addition of imperfect humans to put a name to those letters and not one that the creator has endorsed or verified with his stamp of approval to this day.. the wtb&ts published "aid to bible understanding" in their first edition they said words to the effect that the name jehovah was the most commonly used in christendom/the world ,so that was the name they adopted.. { it had nothing to do with divine revelation or a voice from god or holy spirit it was because it was the most popular use of that name in christendom }.
All of the names attributed to the Almighty God are nothing more than the inventions and imaginations of imperfect human beings.
Their are only four Hebrew letters that are attributed to GOD in the Hebrew Scriptures known as the Tetragrammaton usually translated as JHVH or more accurately YHWH .
Their is no Tetragrammaton or it`s equivalent in the Christian Greek scriptures which can easily be attested to by looking at the Kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures Of The New Testament published by the WTB&TS a word for word translation of the Greek Text.
Anything other than that is an addition of imperfect humans to put a name to those letters and not one that the Creator has endorsed or verified with his stamp of approval to this day.
The WTB&TS published "Aid to Bible Understanding" in their first edition they said words to the effect that the name Jehovah was the most commonly used in Christendom/the World ,so that was the name they adopted.
{ It had nothing to do with divine revelation or a voice from God or Holy Spirit it was because it was the most popular use of that name in Christendom }
letter dated 1/1/2018.
i know they are trying to simplify but it all is such a confusing mess.... forms, dates, calculators, committees, logins, publisher record cards.....jesus would barf.
to all bodies of elders re: announcements and reminders dear brothers: in an effort to reduce the number of letters sent to all bodies of elders and congregations, most announcements from the branch office will now be conveyed to congregations by means of the announcements and reminders (s-147) form.
The first part of the form will contain information for the elders only. If there are announcements for the congregation, these will appear on a separate page of the form. Instructions on the form will indicate which announcements are to be read to the congregation and/or posted on the information board when applicable
When i was first contacted 59 years ago now ,it was emphasized that their is/was no Clergy laity class among Jehovah`s Witnesses .
It was obviously a lie then as it is now.
{Note : They do claim Clergy /Laity Penitent in a court of law don`t they }
"The rank and file of Jehovah`s Witnesses are like mushrooms keep them in the dark and feed them bullshit" .
how about .... the international brotherhood of stupidity.. the righteous zombies club .
the wts has been selling and promoting christ's return and the end times since the late 1800's, right through all of the 20th century and still continues today on the same core doctrinal premise.. 1914 was set as a year of christ taking position upon his heavenly throne followed by choosing the wts as his earthly guided organization in 1919 according to the wts.
leaders at that time.. the actual truth is that the wts is a publishing house and it was inherently pressed to make up doctrines which would gravitate attention to its published goods, accurate and honest bible interpretation was a second lesser concern.. the original heads of this religious publishing house (c t russell) first proclaimed that christ had returned in 1874 and 1914 was going to be the year jesus was going to cleanse the earth of all wickedness etc.
this was obviously a false doctrine tainted with ignorance and a bit of commercialization in reality.. so the question remains what will the wts do in the future, what will the wts do as far as doctrines to allure the general public at large ?
Every time they have proclaimed "New Light" they have lied to cover up mistakes/errors they have made .It has worked for them for so long in the past so why would they change it now.?
So yes they will continue to lie using the same ploy of "New Light" to cover future errors/mistakes that they will undoubtedly make.
it's a fear-based religion, at its core.
jws fear many things, but what or who do they fear the most?
let's find out.... 5) satan.
it's funny how JWs are told not even to look at/read/listen to apostate words; yet apostate words spoken by Satan himself are sprinkled throughout the bible
Good point boc
Your point also brings to mind how JW`s shun/fear/hate apostates yet Jehovah God, Christ Jesus with the Holy Spirit interacted with Satan for thousands of years and they never shunned him.. ?. . . .
well , not really.. our hall recently had a secret collection for our head elder who is almost on the verge of becoming homeless.
i guess he lost some cleaning contracts because his clients were just sick of his no shows because of his pioneer work.
there is always something more important to do than earn a living.. this is the same assholes he is always shaming people to not doing enough.
once i heard from a gb, "keep on keepin on".
a church phrase.
when they came out with the idea of the "way" i was dumbfounded to find churches using the same, remember the bible called the way?.
The JW religion has always followed in the footsteps of Christendom .They claim that Christendom became an Apostate religion after the last Apostles died off and most certainly by the 2nd-3rd Century when the Bible Canon was decreed as to what books of Scripture was to be accepted as approved.
Instead of coming up with their own list of books/scripture as to what was the word of GOD they just followed christendom`s protestants and accepted those as their Bible.
Their are heaps of other writings/books/scriptures that could have been included as the word of GOD of that era.
Some that are even mentioned in the Bible yet are not included in the modern day Bible.
The book of Jasher
The book of Enoch
The book of Jubilees
The testament of Noah
To name a few ,their are many more
Their was no way they were going to include the books the Roman Catholic Church have in their Bible or the Eastern Orthodox Churches etc,etc.
Jehovah`s Witnesses are nothing more than a parasite religion on Christendom sucking the blood out of Christendom where they can poaching off their members wherever the churches have gone before them.
They have only come after Missionaries have gone before them.
They have never ventured into virgin territory such as the true Muslim lands and witnessed about their message that make up over 1 Billion people.
the jist was that we all should sing.
then the first 6 or 8 paragraphs describe how early bible accounts have trained and set aside musicians to do the singing while everyone else listened.. the songs they have put out have no soul, rhythm, or soothing melodies as a whole.
the old hymns are some real music, even if you don't agree with the "teachings".. there is no admission of poetry using archaic language at times for affect or to add to the rhyme, they have to have everything agree with the grey bible.. anyone speak foreign languages?
Thanks CoCo it doesn`t play here in OZ however i`ve seen the movie.And some of the KM sung at KH`s sounded just as bad where I attended .
Cringeworthy stuff