I appreciate all your replies including your very funny ones . And to long hair girl my wife has never been a yes girl and I have faith in the sisterhood.
Trust me I have been married for 57 years { hang on does that mean I have been a yes man ? }
jehovah himself gives the saying "the women telling the good news are a large army" psalms 68 : 11 coupled with the fact that a good portion of women partake of the emblems and wine at the annual memorial celebration.. identifying themselves as part of the 144000 that are taken from the earth to rule with christ jesus in the heavens.. isn`t it about time they were recognized for their contributions and given the fact that gods word the bible clearly states that 144,000 of anointed are to be taken from the earth which many women are a large part of.?.
revelation ch.14 :4 could be argued that they are not lesbians { "these are the ones who do not defile themselves with women ,in fact they are virgins, etc,etc.}.
i wonder just how many men who claim to be of the anointed have not defiled themselves with women and are virgins.?.
I appreciate all your replies including your very funny ones . And to long hair girl my wife has never been a yes girl and I have faith in the sisterhood.
Trust me I have been married for 57 years { hang on does that mean I have been a yes man ? }
jehovah himself gives the saying "the women telling the good news are a large army" psalms 68 : 11 coupled with the fact that a good portion of women partake of the emblems and wine at the annual memorial celebration.. identifying themselves as part of the 144000 that are taken from the earth to rule with christ jesus in the heavens.. isn`t it about time they were recognized for their contributions and given the fact that gods word the bible clearly states that 144,000 of anointed are to be taken from the earth which many women are a large part of.?.
revelation ch.14 :4 could be argued that they are not lesbians { "these are the ones who do not defile themselves with women ,in fact they are virgins, etc,etc.}.
i wonder just how many men who claim to be of the anointed have not defiled themselves with women and are virgins.?.
thanks never a jw ,you took the words right out of my mouth and I might re-iterate PS.68:11 "The women are a large army" and that a large portion of women partake at the Memorial Celebration claiming to be of the Anointed that now totals more than 18000 ,10000 more than when I was "in" more than 25 years ago.
That is why Scrathme1010 I spoke of Women specifically, I hope that answers your question.
can anyone explain to me please about the statue in the daniel prophecy coz i've always been curious about what people have discovered about it?
do the jws have the only explanation?.
Do the jws have the only explanation?
Certainly not the only explanation though many other "End Of Times" sects will vary to the interpretation
Remember their are over 4000 sects of Christendom and "many" have their own interpretation of Daniels Prophecy .
jehovah himself gives the saying "the women telling the good news are a large army" psalms 68 : 11 coupled with the fact that a good portion of women partake of the emblems and wine at the annual memorial celebration.. identifying themselves as part of the 144000 that are taken from the earth to rule with christ jesus in the heavens.. isn`t it about time they were recognized for their contributions and given the fact that gods word the bible clearly states that 144,000 of anointed are to be taken from the earth which many women are a large part of.?.
revelation ch.14 :4 could be argued that they are not lesbians { "these are the ones who do not defile themselves with women ,in fact they are virgins, etc,etc.}.
i wonder just how many men who claim to be of the anointed have not defiled themselves with women and are virgins.?.
CoCo i am with you 100% with your comment I have been in many congregations in my 33 years as a JW and had the privilege to personally know some of these sisters who had devoted their lives and time slaving for the WT.
Not to say that many women who didn`t claim to be of the Anointed were any less worthy because they too devoted their whole lives in slaving for the WT. and what recognition do they get either from God or the organization.
fsp ,I hear you my friend and I take your point.
because of this site i realized that there were many people who were active jehovah’s witnesses really didn’t believe in god at all.
i’m curious how many people believe in god?
i’m not interested in debating why you shouldn’t have a belief in a god or should.
"God" means many different things to everyone on this planet ,people on this board are from all over the world and presumably also from many cultures that have influenced their lives over the years .
And if they have abandoned the WT belief in God have they totally abandoned their former cultural beliefs in their God ?
I gather you are really asking about the Jewish/Christian God of the Bible but you didn`t define that .
So in my experience being brought up to believe in the Bible Christianity and being a full fledged believer while I was a JW after my conversion at age 19
After the Emperor / GB was exposed as having no clothes I researched what the Bible had to say and discovered it was all a lot of hogwash.
So obviously no Jewish / Christian God
All I can say is thank the powers that be that an Australian got it
seeking an exjw living in brisbane, originally from christchurch, new zealand.
it's important we get in touch with them, may have information on csa victims.. especially those who are part of the brisbane exjw meetup fb group - could you please get in touch with me.. pm me or email [email protected].
top priority..
been baptized for two years but being in the truth for longer.
one thing i have always noticed is the lack of young people in the congregation.
does anyone feel the same ?.
Going back to the 1960`s I attended a few congregations in Melbourne OZ,and in each of those Congs,their was only a few young children and no teenagers.
We moved to Qld OZ where over the years their were a lot of teenagers as well as young children in the various congs, we attended there.
From what i hear on the grapevine about half to 2/3rds of the teenagers have left the borg and pursued a life outside of JW. one I believe has made a name for himself as a cage fighter ?
Though some have never quite shaken off the control the religion has had of a hold on them even though they live a life that would get them DF if the Elders knew of their lifestyle.
jehovah himself gives the saying "the women telling the good news are a large army" psalms 68 : 11 coupled with the fact that a good portion of women partake of the emblems and wine at the annual memorial celebration.. identifying themselves as part of the 144000 that are taken from the earth to rule with christ jesus in the heavens.. isn`t it about time they were recognized for their contributions and given the fact that gods word the bible clearly states that 144,000 of anointed are to be taken from the earth which many women are a large part of.?.
revelation ch.14 :4 could be argued that they are not lesbians { "these are the ones who do not defile themselves with women ,in fact they are virgins, etc,etc.}.
i wonder just how many men who claim to be of the anointed have not defiled themselves with women and are virgins.?.
Jehovah himself gives the saying "The women telling the good news are a large army" Psalms 68 : 11 Coupled with the fact that a good portion of women partake of the Emblems and Wine at the Annual Memorial Celebration.
Identifying themselves as part of the 144000 that are taken from the Earth to rule with Christ Jesus in the Heavens.
Isn`t it about time they were recognized for their contributions and given the fact that Gods word the Bible clearly states that 144,000 of Anointed are to be taken from the earth which many women are a large part of.?
Revelation Ch.14 :4 could be argued that they are not lesbians { "These are the ones who do not defile themselves with women ,in fact they are virgins, etc,etc.}
I wonder just how many men who claim to be of the Anointed have not defiled themselves with women and are Virgins.?
Just how is it a man defiles himself with a woman ? What does that say about women ? Didn`t God create man and woman to compliment each other to copulate and produce children ,wasn`t that his purpose ?
So how can he be defiled by a woman ?
When are these Anointed women of the JW religion going to rise up and take ownership of their claim to be of the Anointed ? and take their rightful position in the organization having a representative on the Governing Body ?
I look forward to your comments.
anyone got any ideas on how to get kingdom melodies out of my head.
keep finding myself singing them without realising and it's getting annoying lol.
hopefully they'll disappear with time.
Have a couple of 24 hour sessions of songs from the 60`s early rock tunes at their catchiest best
Just my 2 cents worth