Didn`t the stock market have some big rises over the past few months/ year ? So this fall is really nothing more than a correction in the big scheme of things.
Nothing to see here or get overly excited about.
dow jones losing 1175 points today, equivalent to 4.60 % ..... same more or less around the world's stock exchanges.
it's like president bush said "wall street got drunk and now it's got a hangover".
i think people went irrational over investing, a correction is needed..
Didn`t the stock market have some big rises over the past few months/ year ? So this fall is really nothing more than a correction in the big scheme of things.
Nothing to see here or get overly excited about.
i grew up a jw, left at about 17 years old..(i'm 33 now) a little over a year ago i moved 1000 miles away from where i grew up.
today i "ran" into someone in the same congregation as my dad... like how is that even possible?!?!?
he was very kind, mentioned the borg but only in ways that related to his life.. his daughter is a pioneer, my dad gives "the best" comments at the meetings, my sister is awesome.. blah blah blah... .
Jehovah`s Witnesses are very superstitious people they see Jah`s hand in all of those coincidences .Was Jehovah`s hand in this coincidence ?
I was sitting in a club on my day off from work having a quiet beer when this stranger comes up to me and asks do you come her a lot ? I answer I`m a member so I come here a few times .good he says Do you know a person by the name of smiddy ? I said yes as a matter of fact I do .He then said do you know if he is here here now ? (it`s a big club) I said yes he is but I don`t think i`m the guy your looking for and showed him my membership card ,
The old friend he was looking for had the same name as me and belonged to the same club as me and this guy happened to come up to me with this question.?
Coincidences do happen
I know of many more .
Welcome blisterfeet stick around here and learn why the JW`s are just a man made religion and prove to yourself doctrine wise they never ever were appointed by God any God to be his spokesperson on earth
Take care my friend.
my name is jacobi, i am a born-in but mentally out for more or less a decade at this point (although it was cradual) and about 40yo.
i don't want to say a lot about my family, but it is a mix of going-through-the-motions, semi-actives (but mentally in), some who have left for a few reasons and one really depressed pioneer.
because people fade in and out i have managed to slide under the radar and i keep up apperances of not being all-out apostate but i completed my fade about years ago (it also helped i moved to another part of the country).. i might rub some of you the wrong way because of my views on different things like politics.. i am not a trump supporter at all and neither are most people in my country.
Welcome Jacobi ,I hope that`s not your real name incognito and all that. Don`t worry I was paranoid when I first joined this site 10 years ago however it gets much easier as time goes by.
We can have lively discussions here and people hold different views maybe sometimes we may lose our cool with one another but we never shun anybody
Unlike the KH environment we can discuss anything without being marked or DF
Take care my friend.
the nunes memo has been released!!!!.
Nit picking on how words are spelt or spelled if you prefer is sad .Aussies ,Kiwis ,Americans , Brits ,can all have variations of spelling
Why make an issue out of it.
Sorry I`m off topic apologies
for research i want to verify this:.
- has the latest version of the elder book (recent) a new text about child abuse and put aside the 2 witness rule in these cases?.
need to clarify.. g..
I`ll believe it when I see it Gorby as you would too.However wasn`t their a representatives of the GB that came out and publicly stated that the two witness rule was Biblical and they would never change it .?
It was posted on here some time back.
this is not intended to expose wrong teachings etc, just to promote thinking and asking questions.. 1) ask if imperfection and death automatically follow sin.
jw will answer yes.. 2) ask if satan is imperfect then.. 3) sit back and watch them try to work out what the right answer should be.. sf.
Ask if imperfection and death automatically follow sin. JW will answer yes.
Hopefully ?
Ask if Satan is imperfect then.
{ They will try to argue he was a perfect son of God who has gone astray} trying to deflect the question At this point they will likely say he is only asking a question and not actually disobeying any of Gods laws/rules at this point.
However when Adam and Eve follow Satans direction he then makes himself an adversary to the most high God.
Where Satan becomes imperfect and should be subjected to the death penalty in line with the death penalty Jehovah imposed on humans if God was fair and just.
this is not intended to expose wrong teachings etc, just to promote thinking and asking questions.. 1) ask if imperfection and death automatically follow sin.
jw will answer yes.. 2) ask if satan is imperfect then.. 3) sit back and watch them try to work out what the right answer should be.. sf.
I`m sorry Bobcat but I fail to see what Acts 17:30-31 has to do with the date 1914 ? and what the point is ?
if you had 2 minutes with an old witness friend or with a family member to convince them the 'truth' is a lie and the gb isnt being directed by god what would you say to get their attention that might make them question their beliefs?.
H.M LoL it brought a smile and a grimace to my face not to mention the pain in my groin
so my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
You did the right "normal" thing Xanthippe by reaching out to your sister in a loving caring way and it seems to have been a very good outcome please keep us posted
i know that the farms have been around for decades but i was wondering if the watch tower farms ever abbreviate their name simply to wtf?
Ha Ha Ha good one Lost