People believe what they "WANT" to believe regardless of what the facts/ logic state.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
The Sign of Jonah
by millie210 incalling you bible scholars!.
i was asked this:.
how can this apply to jesus when he was not in the grave for 3 nights?.
Wives With Unbelieving Mates
by minimus ini knew many witness wives with unbelieving mates who pretty much led a double life.
“my husband says i have to go the workplace christmas party.” or my mate tells me i have to make a thanksgiving dinnner.
or “ my mate insists i do things in the bedroom that i know the watchtower has talked against.
In my experience in the organization male or female did what "THEY" wanted to do regardless of what the G.B /.Organization had to say and they would just simply rationalize what they did.And have no qualms about it.
Has the Great Tribulation Already started?
by The Fall Guy inw55 10/15 p. 623 par.
w56 12/15 p. 755 par.
w56 2/15 p. 119 par.
It never does cease to amaze me how they can ignore and reject their own early history .and prefer to believe a revisionist version that has no basis in truth.
Even when shown their own publications ,
Your Top Ten Favourite Movies?
by LoveUniHateExams injust thought i'd start a thread about favourite movies.
mine, in no particular order, are .... alien - a great visual film.
the chest-bursting scene is still great to watch, no matter how many times i've seen the movie.
Ten that come to mind off the cuff ,
One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest
Pans Labyrinth
Last Of The Mohicans
Planet Of The Apes (Chuch Heston)
Blade Runner
True Grit (Jeff Bridges)
Tombstone ( Kurt Russell)
Ordinary people ( Mary T Moore was sensational in this movie)
Fiddler On The Roof
OK so that`s 12 off the top of my head
Praying in the name of Michael the archangel instead of Jesus
by krismalone injust wondering what would happen if a brother saying a prayer in a meeting did it in the name of michael the archangel instead of closing the prayer with "jesus christ".
since jw's believe michael is jesus would he be counseled?
what if a brother used the name michael the archangel in their public talks instead of jesus?
Nobody wants to comment on Jesus name being Immanuel ? In the christian greek Scriptures ?
It was prophesied in Isaiah that his name was to be called Immanuel not Jesus.Isa.7:14 , Mt .1 :23 ,and Mathew corroborates that scripture.
Do you or I believe what the Scriptures actually say or are we to believe what interpretations are given us by imperfect human beings with their own agendas telling us what we should believe.
It begs the question just how much of the Bible has been manipulated altered to fit the Agenda of those with something to gain from having a translation that fits their pre-conceived agenda.
The NWT of the Bible is a prime example of that placing the name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures when their own publication K.I. a word for word translation of the C,G,S does not contain the Tetragrammaton anywhere in the N.T.
Session #8: "Bullet in the Head"
by Brian J inso at the phd today with my wife and me, and in slowly getting to the heart of matters (like peeling an onion if you ask me), the dialogue in part went like this: .
phd: if it came down to it, would you take a bullet in the head instead of giving up membership in your organization?
wife: absolutely, i would die for my faith.
I know it`s easy for me to say in hindsight but what if you asked :?
Is what you currently believe in harmony with what the Bible actually states ?
Is what you currently believe in harmony with what the GB/WT interprets Scripture to mean ?
as opposed to what the Bible actually states in scripture.?
Where for example is the Tetragrammaton or it`s equivalent Greek letters in the Christian Greek Scriptures of The New Testament published by the WTB&TS ? KI.?
Nowhere !
Why did Jesus never utter the name Jehovah or an equivalent Greek name ? in the Christian Greek Scriptures ? he never did.
And why in up to 30 references in the Christian Greek Scriptures is the name Jesus and not Jehovah that Christians are to place above the name in heaven on earth or under the earth above every other name
Jesus name was to be exalted above every other name including the name Jehovah.?
Nowhere in the Christian Greek Scriptures are Christians instructed to be witnesses of Jehovah however their upwards of 30 such Scriptures that instruct Christians to be witnesses of, for, and to Jesus Christ. ( not Jehovah )
Take care Brian I wish you well and your wife also.
Stock market turmoil....
by mikeflood indow jones losing 1175 points today, equivalent to 4.60 % ..... same more or less around the world's stock exchanges.
it's like president bush said "wall street got drunk and now it's got a hangover".
i think people went irrational over investing, a correction is needed..
Stock markets Up -Down i`ts just the nature of the beast isn`t it.?
No big deal. Lose some here gain some their .
Nothing to get your nickers in a knot over
Falcon Heavy
by Coded Logic inthe falcon heavy is set to launch today.
if successful, it will become the most powerful rocket in use (twice as powerful as the delta heavy).. as it's the very first attempt, elon musk has said he thinks there's a 50/50 chance of it not blowing up.
so should be interesting.
Where are all the conspiracy theorists ,fake news people ready to debunk this achievement ? I`m sure their out there.
Praying in the name of Michael the archangel instead of Jesus
by krismalone injust wondering what would happen if a brother saying a prayer in a meeting did it in the name of michael the archangel instead of closing the prayer with "jesus christ".
since jw's believe michael is jesus would he be counseled?
what if a brother used the name michael the archangel in their public talks instead of jesus?
DF’d or DA???
by DATA-DOG inso, i think i’m going to be df’d, but elders are out of town and no decision has been officially reached.
what would happen if i sent a certified overnight letter and said that i was going to disassociate before they have their meeting??.
i know the two conditions are similar, but i’m just curious... dd.
It is better you DF them by D.A. yourself , before they DF you in my book.but that`s just me.
Strike while the iron is hot
Get in to them before they get in to you.
No you didn`t DF me I DF you .you have that over anybody that ever calls on you at the door.