I knew two that committed suicide and the topic has been covered before even going back as far as 15 years ago I believe.
Their was also a brother in Bethel Brooklyn that commited suicide many,many years ago that was hushed up
this months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
"This is not to say that the Slave is perfect and never makes mistakes but Jehovah and Jesus trusts the imperfect Slave who cares for things to the best of his ability and with the best of motives".
Are they for real saying this ? So what they are saying is that Jehovah God or Christ Jesus can`t make sure what the Slave says is accurate or true ?
Is Jehovah an Almighty God or not ?
Is Jesus Ruling over the Christian (JW) Congregation or not ?
If the Slave gives out misleading /wrong statements then obviously Jehovah /Jesus are not backing them and they are false prophets.
"Since 1919 of our common era, the Slave has been put in charge of some belongings of Christ. According to Matthew 24:47"
OH ? Their is almost nothing that was accepted or believed in 1919 that is accepted or believed today by Jehovah`s witnesses .
In fact if you witnessed to or about the things that were believed in 1919 today and promoted those beliefs you would be DF as an Apostate simply because those beliefs are discarded today.
So by extension if Jehovah accepted the IBSA (they were not known by the name Jehovah`s Witnesses back then ) in 1919 for what they believed .
He Jehovah would reject Jehovah`s Witnesses today for not believing why he endorsed the IBSA in 1919 because Jehovah`s Witnesses today reject what was taught in 1919 as being old light therefore wrong.
They can`t have it both ways .
apply miss dietrich's "truth" wherever and to whomever you will .
.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tskpxgajmhw.
Is that a prophecy about members of the G.B. and how they will react to accusations of them being religious charlatans ,false prophets , falsely posing as a charity and obtaining tax exemptions that are not justified ,not giving back to Caesar(s) what belongs to Caesar ,reaping in Millions of dollars $$$$ in real Estate sales while claiming to be a not for profit organization ? and previously gaining XXX amount of dollars $$$$ in their printing & publishing empire that they had going for approx. 100 or more years still claiming to be a non profit organization.?
And their have been many other scams the WTB&TS have put over their members in recent years such as the absolving existing loans to the WT Society by Congregations that would soon be finished only to impose upon them a pledge to donate the same amount of the loan indefinitely ?
OHHH..... and let`s not forget all of the accusations that are happening around the world of Child sexual Abuse cover ups ,failure to let the appropriate authorities such as police and and other agencies know of these abuses in their congregations while they endeavour to protect their perceived image in the community.
And protect the abuser when their are no two witnesses to verify the allegations.
The poor child victim has no hope.
A total failure to protect children in their own community and at the same time exposing children outside of their religion to possible abuse by the abuser in the wider community.
i know we cannot answer this, how many are physically in, mentally out (pimo), but i heard an amazing piece of news the other day.. an ex-p.o and ex-elder, a long time regular pioneer, and when i knew him a stalwart believer, went for a drink with another jw who has actually left, but is not df or anything.. in the course of conversation he came out with this bombshell "well, i am actually an atheist now, i just go along to keep my wife happy".. i also heard of a number of youngsters that i know personally who are simply living their life as they want, whilst making sure they don't get df'd for family and social reasons.. if as it seems the pimo's are a huge number, could there be a huge " awakening" where they all realize they are in a huge group, and they all say " eff it, lets call it a day on all the jw s**t ".
wishful thinking, but.....just possible ?.
I`m inclined to believe their are a lot more than we give credit for and probably more so among young males than females though I could be totally wrong about that ratio.
Whether they are aware of it or not a vast number are " in" simply and only because of emotional blackmail used against them .
"If you leave JW`s you will lose all family and friends who remain JW`s and will be shunned and ostracized"
Hence they stay "in" but are not believers anymore.
I think it`s a good post Phizzy
every now and then, my wife will talk about how things are not making sense within the org.
i usually just dismiss it as her playing mind games with me.
for example, she would ask why there are so many branches being closed or why so many congregations are being merged.
i got the latest memorial invite on my door sometime today.
i work from home.
between the time i drop the kids at school and pick them up, i was here.
As you well know jws they do present one side of their face to worldly people and another side of their face to the rank & file,that they do speak with a forked tongue .
What they (JW`s) said yesterday is not the same as to what they say today and certainly won`t be the same as to what they will say tomorrow .
So it wouldn`t surprise me if the message is different to what it was before .
You have to be an Einstein to keep up with the flip flops of this mob
the topic discussed at the above link is related to this one i posted recently:.
one of the recent molest cases had a signed declaration of gerrit losch, stating he has no relation with watchtower and that he has no control over watchtower and he does not answer to watchtower.. this month he is hosting the watchtower broadcasting show, on a watchtower media chanel, with a watchtower president starring as co-host, with statements, media and music that have intellectual ownership and copyright by watchtower.. gerrit is asking on broadcasting for respect for “the slave”, just like jehova and jesus respect “the slave” and will even reward them.. are the writers of the statement too stupid to see the correlation between teaching and practicing?.
these man are proven liars.. how can hold this firewall stand?
it’s so thin.. a judge can see this mismach isn’t it??.
Vin Toole the JW lawyer who gave evidence also misled the ARC into child sexual Abuse with his testimony.
And the Elders who gave testimony hummed and arhhhed about how to answer questions put to them by Angus Stewart who went to bat for the victims.
And in my opinion they were pathetic especially one Elder who was obviously waiting for the Holy Spirit to put words in his mouth, however no words were forthcoming ...... I wonder why ?
my wife's parents are in a bad way.
she went to visit and her mother has alzheimer and father has a hart condition.
they are jws and he quit his job at gm many years ago for 1975. he moved to where the need was great to wait for the end.
DOC is right the 18 year old and her mother need to stop bludging off them and get jobs to support the home and people their bludging off .
Shaming them and the JW religion by writing a letter to the regional Newspaper as to how they are behaving would be what should be done .
There is nothing better than public exposure to get anything constructive done.
Don`t feel so guilty you have your own family to look after they obviously didn`t take notice of ps.146:3 " Do not put your trust in nobles ..." GB
just my 2 cents worth