Thanks jwleaks
So this is tied up with the premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews promise to abolish that which protects Church assets from Abuse victim claims .?
"The Ellis Defence" ?
by david crowe.
8 march 2018 .
may 1969. i didn't know i was in, years later, i suddenly do see it.. we're not talking drugs.
i never did drugs.
ever.nothing is worse than stone cold sober.what i did was more destructive: i had mainlined on god.a weird brand of god: jehovah god.. i was shredded and unaware.
Thank you for that insight terry about being imprisoned for being a conscientious objector on religious grounds.
I have always wondered how one would feel nowadays knowing the TTATT having undergone such an experience .
You spent 2 years incarcerated for your beliefs, and not to make light of your experience I remember in the 60`s or 70`s about Greek brothers who were sentenced to 5 years imprisonment and if they didn`t recant at the end of those 5 years were subject to another 5 years and so on .
Greece apparently had a very hard line against conscientious objectors to military service.
At the time I believe their was at least one brother who had undergone 15 years imprisonment because of his conscientious beliefs against serving in the military
I can`t imagine how he would feel if he came to a knowledge of TTATT .Though I can imagine such ones because of what they have gone through clinging on to the false hope the GB holds out to them .
I personally was fortunate that I escaped National Service at the time because about a year previous to my conversion I was not called up because of the birthdate ballot that applied at the time.
Though in Australia they were a lot more tolerant I think of conscientious objectors on religious grounds from memory.
Good post terry.
Newbies and lurkers need to know what you guys went through all those years ago for the bloody "truth"
there are a number of things that don't make sense to me about your religion.
a. blood prohibitions: .
- plasma...when all components of plasma are acceptable to the society.
Here Hear Vanderhoven7
Hear Here
Here hear Here
3 for emphasis
Tongue in cheek
The G.B. are like those "Gods" described in the Bible
They have ears but they cannot hear ( TTATT)
They have eyes but they cannot see (TTATT )
They have mouths but they cannot speak (TTATT )
And their followers have become just like them.
Unable to see hear or speak the truth about the truth
does any one have any info on the treatment of long serving elderly bethel servants who are retiring or virtually having to retire?
with the closing & selling off of their properties & relocation's, what is happening to their elderly servants who cannot just move away & have lived at some of their jw accommodations for so long?
many of these servants have worked for very little financial rewards & i have heard some have no life savings or superannuation retirements payouts.. shouldn't the society be paying out a redundancy sum to them?
Correction to my above post ,the aged care facility is called" Jah Jire" and it is run privately by Jehovah`s witnesses and in no way associated with the WTB&TS .
Their home page states that it is firstly up to members of their families to provide care for them ,failing that members of the congregation (good luck with that ) and also to rely on Government support where applicable. and lastly their organization .
It`s also interesting to note that such ones accepted into the aged care center is that they must be in good standing in the congregation and they are expected to attend all meetings and witnessing as to their capabilities.
Apparently they have a few aged care homes throughout Europe and America.
Maybe a lot of newbies and lurkers are not aware of this.
by david crowe.
8 march 2018 .
i got the latest memorial invite on my door sometime today.
i work from home.
between the time i drop the kids at school and pick them up, i was here.
If someone comes to my door with that invite
Please join us for the annual commemoration of the death of Jesus Christ.
I will ask them when are they going to annual`y commemorate the death of every man woman and child who died needlessl`y refusing a potential life saving blood transfusion resulting in their death ?
I wonder what their response will be ?
just watched this movie last night.. the premise of the title and film centers around the mother of young girl, who was raped, murdered, and set on fire by an unknown killer.
convinced that the local police could be doing more, she erects billboards outside of town, calling into question the efforts of the town's beloved chief of police.
this does not sit well with the other townspeople, and soon, the town priest comes to visit and admonish her.and after hearing him tell her if she came to church more regularly, she would be able to find the peace and resolution she needs over her daughter's death, she delivers this speech to him:.
does any one have any info on the treatment of long serving elderly bethel servants who are retiring or virtually having to retire?
with the closing & selling off of their properties & relocation's, what is happening to their elderly servants who cannot just move away & have lived at some of their jw accommodations for so long?
many of these servants have worked for very little financial rewards & i have heard some have no life savings or superannuation retirements payouts.. shouldn't the society be paying out a redundancy sum to them?
nowwhat / ,MNIONC ,
The apartment complex in NY turned into a nursing home called the "Home for The Elderly and Re-Assigned "
My question is this.
Is it operated and financed by the WTB&TS / Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses ?
Is it a separate and distinct enterprise financed and operated by a private group of Jehovah`s Witnesses with no legal connection to the WTB&TS. and not funded or endorsed by them ?
or are they
Something along the line with Jehovah Jirreh operated by Jehovah`s Witnesses but not endorsed or funded by the WTB&TS or the GB of Jehovah`s Witnesses.
by david crowe.
8 march 2018 .
Thanks Barbara for posting this.the premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews stated that the institutions non Govt./churches etc are not getting away with any loopholes they have now been closed .
And victims have the opportunity to sue institutions and churches that may not opt in to the redress scheme apparently with the support from the Vic. Govt.if I read it right.
I think the Victorian Govt. went a step of the way ahead of the NSW giving support to the victims of abuse however it is great that both states have thrown their support and opted in to this redress scheme.
Hopefully other state and territories will do so and
ESPECIALLY churches and other institutions opt in to this redress scheme which is a voluntary thing to do and not all of them has done so yet.
The catholic church has agreed to opt in now that the states have agreed to it
The Jehovah`s Witnesses ? What do you reckon
no, charles taze russell was not a pennsylvania freemason!.
this is the answer i received in a letter: .
"after a search of our records, we determined that the three russell's were not members of our organization.
Whether C.T.Russell was a mason or not is immaterial to me ,however I do believe he was somewhat influenced by them simply because of the symbols he used in his publications such as the Watchtower and other works which he had printed. which are rooted in the Masons beliefs / practices.
Also the very name C.T.Russell gave to his journal that he published in 1874 titled "Zions Watchtower and Herald Of Christs Presence " certainly attests to that fact ,Zionism being closely aligned to mason beliefs.
Along with the symbols used on the front cover of that magazine .