So does anyone else find it odd that JWs base their whole faith on the bible?
That`s a fallacy ,JW`s CLAIM to base their beliefs on the Bible ,however that is not the case as has been brought out many times on this forum one way or another.
Just a couple of facts to remind us of that.
1. The Searcher has pointed out that their are over 30 Scriptures in the New Testament that Christians were to be witnesses of Jesus { not Jehovah }
Their is not one NT Scripture that says Christians followers of Jesus were to be witnesses of Jehovah not one.
2. Neither Jesus or any of his Apostles / disciples or anybody else as recorded in the NT ever uttered the name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures .
And as proof of that statement look no further than the publication by the WTB&TS book
"The kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures "
A word for word translation of the Greek into English.
So TRUE Christians according to the Bible are to be witnesses of Jesus and not Jehovah .
Phil. 2:9-11