Useruser1914 send order a couple of pm`s over a couple of days and if you don`t hear anything back by pm from him/her then they obviously don`t want to converse with you .
So then you just move on .
looking for user names order in posts .
an honest look at the situation.
Useruser1914 send order a couple of pm`s over a couple of days and if you don`t hear anything back by pm from him/her then they obviously don`t want to converse with you .
So then you just move on .
we were taught sickness and death is a result of the sin inherited from adam and eve, so why do animals get cancer?
they are supposedly still as big j intended, so therefore cancer is a creation by the big fella himself?.
just an exercise for one's who believe in the whole bible story thing.. (not me)... any others anomalies you can think of ?
Their are many scriptures in the Bible that claim God is a protector of animals in that he has laid down laws to protect the animals. As the O.P. points out animals suffer many of the afflictions humans have , then why is that ?
Maybe that is all bullshit that he cares about animals. .Consider a few pointers .
God has shown his thirst for blood when he approved Abel`s sacrifice over Cain`s { surely the first fruits of the earth should have satisfied a God ?}
He destroyed every living animal and bird life in the world in the flood of Noah`s day { apparently not marine life }
And throughout the Old Testament God has continually sought blood sacrifices of bulls,Sheep ,Birds ,
1 Kings 8:63-66 , 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep slaughtered to inaugurate the house of Jehovah {a bit of an overkill don`t you think?}
Animals are supposed to act on instinct that the creator instilled in them right ?
How do bears know that their are Salmon migrating up river to spawn and they prey on them at the right time ?
How do birds know that their are fish in the ocean that they can dive in and feed off ?
How do land animals know their is food for them in the ocean or rivers if it is not already instilled in them from creation by God.
Isa.11:6-9 It has never been the case and will never be the case ,animals ,bird life and marine life never had anything to do with the so called fall of man and their is no justification for their suffering that they do .
my mom has gone into assisted living and i've discovered a treasure trove of old wt publications, 2 interlinear bibles for example.
is anyone interested in these?
i live in seattle..
I would but the trouble is I live in Australia , damn!
The name Jehovah { Tetragrammaton} does not appear in the Greek Text that the New World Translation is based on , so my view is the name should not be in the New Testament.
In that publication printed by the WTB&TS Jesus never uttered the name Jehovah
The Apostles never uttered that name,
and neither did any of the disciples or anybody else use that name Jehovah in the Greek Text.
i have once commented under the topic "are you better off as a worldly person or a jw?
i am a born-in but left nearly a year ago at age 16. i would say when i was a jw and was still fully convinced that it is the truth, i was happier.
i have a hope then.
I should be happy that I found out about TTATT at a young age.
I realize now how fortunate I am .
Don`t be too hard on yourself sinboi ,you will be O.K.
I was a convert as a 20 yr. old married in the "truth" 1960 and brought up two boys with the belief they would never go to high school.they are both married now with families of their own , thankfully we are all out of the religion.
Though it took me 33 years to know TTATT and at first it was a bit traumatic and I was a bit paranoid about coming to sites like this when I eventually got a computer.
Now I just want to share what I can and hope it helps someone somewhere.
Take care my young friend.
my mom : why are you leaving the door open?.
me : jehovah's wintesses are around.
i am waiting for them.. my mom ; what for?.
J.W : Gives his witness presentation to a householder
H.H. : So to cut to the chase what you really want is for me to be a witness for Jehovah right ?
J.W. : Somewhat taken aback by the response say`s "Well yes that would be a good thing "
H.H.: then replies " I`m sorry but I never saw the accident " and then closed the door.
today is the 49th anniversaryof my parole from federal prison.
in french, "parole" means 'word of honor'.in effect, a prisoner promises the authorities they will be honorable.. in 1967, i violated the u.s. military training and service act.about 25,000 draft age americans simply ran away to canada.i did not run.
i stayed and gave my 'witness.".
I was one of the lucky one`s in Australia my birth date exempted me in the ballot box.And that was about a year or 18 months before I became a convert .
I often wondered what would have happened had my number came up ?
... and this time it was mine.. mrs. eden decided to part ways and leave home, and so our 25 year long partnership is now dissolving.
just another colateral damage in a long list of colateral damages from being raised in the "truth".
So sorry to hear this EdenOne I hope you both find happiness and glad to hear you still have an amiable friendship with each other.
many years back, my younger brother and i were the most mischievous kids in the kingdom hall.
we would mischievously take away things like the bible , study magazines, etc from meeting attendees.
soon, they will suspect us if anything went missing.. our parents were annoyed with our conduct and behaviour.. they requested an elder to talk to us.
The householder answers the door to JW`s and he listens to their presentation
HH: So to cut to the chase you guys would really like me to become a Witness for Jehovah right ?
JW : A bit taken aback by the HH coming straight to the point says rather sheepishly well since you put it that way ,yes that would be great .
HH :I`m sorry but I never saw the accident and closed the door.
i feel like i’ve overcome a massive hurdle in my awakening, and that’s the issue of dating a non witness woman.. the org has always demonised dating “worldly” people so that we won’t be unevenly yoked.
heck, it’s just a date, marriage is a loooong way off!!.
going to an off the beaten track part of london to avoid bumping into anyone, nice 3 course meal and a little drink after :-).
It sounds like you was just lucky if everything went well as you say.A good tip I read or heard about with first dates is not to have a full blown evening together with pre- dinner drinks maybe a show and then a meal together and the reason being usually you know within the first half hour whether you are both compatible and the rest of the evening can be hell if you both don`t click.
The suggestion was to meet for coffee at some public place and spend maybe a half hour to one hour getting to know each other better and do that a couple or a few times before having a full evening together .
Well I thought it was a sensible suggestion anyway.
Good luck
oh, deary me........this is quite a sad story.. make of it what you will..
While it doesn`t excuse the behaviour of the woman concerned ,i just wonder if the 5 JW`s haven`t embellished the story to suit their agenda being a persecuted minority religion ?
The woman was obviously very drunk ,so I doubt she would have clarity as to what actually happened .
So that leaves 5 J.W`s to testify what actually happened ? The other guy who came on the scene later didn`t witness what went on beforehand he was a late comer to the situation .
I wouldn`t put it past the J.W.`s to exaggerate the situation out of proportion to gain mileage out of what happened and put them in a good light for the media.