Oh, my goodness...can you read or comprehend what you read...I did not ask you to tell me what holiday is coming up in a couple of weeks, my question was for you to cite ANY Scriptures that support his birth taking place when you claim it does, on Dec 25th.
If I said he died in March or April, I could show Scripturally that it shows he died on Nisan 14 (Jewish calendar). Exodus 12:6; Luke 22:14-20
If I said Christians are to keep observing his death until he arrives, I also could show you that Scripturally. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
So, now I am asking you to show me Scripturally where it shows he was born on Dec 25 (Kislev/Tevet Jewish calendar) and where are Christians told to keep observing his birth?