Wasn't the Beast slain when the League of Nations was scrubbed but rose again as the United Nations?
No, because when the beast revives is when the 42-month authority is given it. Also, during that time is when the MOTB is given. No such mark or 42 month authority occur in 1945 when the UN came about or since then.
Duran, there's three beasts mentioned by John in the book of Revelation: 1) Beast from the sea = Beast with slain head that healed (Rev. 13:1, 3). This beast is a conglomeration of Daniel's four beasts. 2) Beast from the earth = false prophet (13:11, 12). 3) Beast from the abyss = scarlet-colored wild beast (17:3, 8; cf. 11:7). The first beast was either absorbed by the other beasts or it disappeared from the scene because Jesus only deals with the scarlet-colored wild beast and false prophet during Armageddon (cf. 19:20; 20:10).
Three mentioned but two are the same. The beast from sea and scarlet are the same. And actually, Jesus deals with the beast from the sea and earth (false prophet) at Armageddon, but because the scarlet is the same as the one from the sea, then yes Jesus deals with the scarlet one at Armageddon.