If one believes in the duel fulfillment theory we need to attempt to discover how things Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 apply and mean for us today.
On the first page, I already addressed that, saying:
[It does have a future application according to the Bible. But the parts that you are referring to do not apply.] (here)
Note that it is "the sign of the Son of Man in heaven", not the Son of man visiting the earth.
First off, the 'sign' is the sun, moon, star event. It occurs just prior to his coming. Seeing that event, those having faith in him will stand up straight/lift their heads (rejoice) because they know that event is the sign they are about to get relief/deliverance from the TRIB that they are undergoing at that time living under the 8th king while refusing him.
In contrast, those that didn't have faith in him and went along with the 8th king, when they see that sign, they will be in fear because they know they are about to be killed off. (here)
Does the phrase "coming (not parousia) in the clouds" necessarily refer to a personal coming to earth? We should not read that thought into the text.
That has nothing to do with what we are talking about concerning the GT being a future event from 66-70. But for the record, his coming is the same as the so-called 'parousia'. That coming is his 'second coming'. (here)
Put the above aside and tell me if the GC came out of the 66-70 period or do does the GC come out of a future GT that is said to occur? (here)