So I've been thinking about the OP's question while researching the group.
I believe that BLM is really wanting to usher in “Black Trans Lives Matter”. However, they are (or were) not politically connected enough to come out and banner that slogan.
The “black community” is not a monolithic group. It is comprised of conservative, church-going people. These people are traditionally anti-gay, anti-trans, and are often downright homophobic. They are active and retired military, college educated, and anti-abortion. They are NAACP, SCLC card-carrying people. In addition to urbanites and single mothers on welfare, they include middle and upper middle class taxpayers who desire to raise their children in two-parent families.
BLM wants to co-opt all of these black citizens and the clout that comes with all they’ve worked for. They are anti-male and anti-father. They stand opposed to the traditional nuclear family structure and are anti-establishment. The confusing BLM agenda is also the agenda of the extreme left. I believe the extreme left’s agenda is damaging to the fabric of modern society.
Just as the voices of non-racist whites are drowned, so, too, are the voices and contributions of productive “black” members of American society. I believe BLM has cloaked their “BLACK LIVES MATTER” chant under the guise of fighting racism against blacks. Their mission goes way beyond that noble sounding claim. The confusion is intentional and meant to disrupt (by their own admission). They are brainwashing the gullible and non-thinker. So, no, I do not agree with BLM’s philosophy.
Here is the link to their website and mission statements:
Worth the read.