Show the evidence,you just made a blank statement
What specifically are you having trouble believing?
You quoted word for word out the JW publication How Can Blood Save Your Life? which in turn quoted word for word from a 1981 article appearing in The Journal of the American Medical Association (November 27, 1981, Volume 246, No. 21, pages 2471, 2472.)
That information has been outdated for decades now. The March 1st 1989 issue of your own church publication, The Watchtower discussed both these procedures, (Intraoperative collection and hemodilution) stating that they were "matters of conscience."
--And that was 30+ years ago.
That JW's will accept treatment with CATS cell savers is common knowledge in the medical community today.
That JW's have in some cases actually donated these machines is also common knowledge. Here's an example from the UK:
--And that was 18 years ago
Surely you don't think your church is donating expensive medical equipment for a procedure they find "objectionable?"