Topics Started by TD
JWs and Prepping
by TD inthe jws i know (which admittedly are more liberal than most) are suddenly into prepping to one degree or another.
some have simply assembled "go bags" with basic common sense supplies in case they need to bug out in the event of a natural disaster and others seem to be seriously into it, almost to the degree to which mormons are.
backup generators and a year's supply of food and water).
Clever Misdirection
by TD ini was looking at the (mostly) wrong answers to a riddle that's making the rounds on social media and thought it was a good example of how something simple (in this case, grade school math) can be distorted with words.
the riddle goes like this:.
i bought a cow for $800.. i sold it for $1000.
The Queen's Gambit (2020) One of the most enjoyable miniseries I've seen in awhile
by TD inthe queen's gambit is a 7 episode netflix miniseries about a female chess prodigy in the 1950's and 60's.. the story chronicles the life of the fictitious character, elizabeth harmon (anja taylor-joy) from the time she learns the game as an orphan clear up to the point where she defeats russian grand master, vasily borgov (marcin dorociński) to become the world champion.. female grandmasters are a rarity, so i was afraid the series was going to morph into an anti-male screed.
(it easily could have).
nearly every male character in the series, from the gruff but kindly william shaibel, the custodian at the orphanage who taught her the basics of the game and fronted her the money for her first tournament to vasily borgov himself is gracious and clearly delighted to play against a woman so talented in a sport dominated by men.. two notable exceptions were her pos adopted father who didn't care about her or his wife and a russian player who got a little salty when she kicked his butt in 21 moves.
I Care a Lot (2020) One of the worst movies I think I've ever seen
by TD inmy wife and i were intrigued by the trailer, which looked like a humorous, over the top, dark comedy.. the story centers around the unscrupulousness of a female attorney named marla grayson (rosamund pike) who makes her living by preying on old people.
grayson has her victims declared mentally incompetent, locks them away in a care facility she has bought off and then liquidates and pockets their assets as their court appointed guardian.. (spoilers ahead).
ms. grayson humorously makes the mistake of singling out a seemingly helpless retiree name jennifer peterson (dianne wiest) as her next target.. grayson however, quickly discovers that peterson has millions of dollars in diamonds in a safe deposit box and far from being helpless is the mother of roman lunyov, (peter dinklage) a russian mafia figure who is not terribly happy with this turn of events.. up to this point, the movie was great.
The toxic JW Worldview
by TD insometimes i forget how small-minded, petty, provincial, mean-spirited ignorant and judgemental it was and still is.... then i sit down with a jw relative, hoping to have a normal conversation and realize there is literally nothing to talk about.. nothing..... current events?
your job?
More on SARS-CoV-2
by TD inbelow is a link to a peer reviewed paper by virologists and vaccine experts birger sørensen and angus dalgleish.
according to the study, which was published in the quarterly review of biophysics, the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted.
to my knowledge, this is the first solid piece of evidence that this pandemic may have been man-made.. (emphasis on "may" --i'm sure this is not the last word on the subject).
Self Driving Vehicles
by TD ini was so stoked about the whole idea a few years ago, but am having serious misgivings at this point.. what are your experiences / impressions / opinions?.
Owners of Noah's Ark replica file lawsuit....
by TD in...over rain damage.. i guess they don't make them like they used to.
Unlikely Place For a JW Reference
by TD inprobably a useless piece of trivia, but then i have a trivial mind..... unless i'm color blind, two of the band members in rammstein's recent music video, deutschland, are depicted as bible students.. from left to right, oliver riedel wears a pink triangle, (homosexual) paul landers wears a yellow star of david, (jewish) till lindemann wears a yellow & purple star of david (jewish bible student) and christian lorenz wears a simple purple triangle (gentile bible student).