I am mystified and disheartened that there are negative reactions to this true and beautiful piece.
There was a retired attorney who used to participate here. Some of you may remember her. She was a big fan of the Beatles.
One day she asked the men here in all seriousness, "How have you adjusted to no longer being a dictator in your home?"
I don't think she meant it badly. For whatever reason, she bought into a very warped view of what it is like to be a male in the JW faith.
Similarly, I don't think the OP meant the things she said badly. Perhaps Mr. Duigenan's translation leaves something to be desired. Perhaps some of the things Ms. Padilla said that on the surface, appear to be patently false are actually true in her country.
Regardless, a celebration of the strong women who have left this miserable little cult needn't turn into a diatribe against men.