This was the meeting at the Hyatt in Phoenix that Trump later claimed was a hearing of the State legislature.
Michigan is not comparable to Arizona.
dick morris sounds the alert:. .
This was the meeting at the Hyatt in Phoenix that Trump later claimed was a hearing of the State legislature.
Michigan is not comparable to Arizona.
language is obviously a very important thing.
obviously, language is essential in conveying ideas - without it, we'd be screwed.. but it goes beyond that in terms of its importance.. first, it's a good idea to use accurate language, especially when talking about important things or discussing difficult topics.. second, we should be free to use the words we want to use.
unfortunately, there is an attempt by certain people to control what words we can and cannot say.
Words have a flavor that dictionaries don't convey.
If, for example, your parents weren't married when you were conceived, there's all sorts of ways to say it in standard English. Some are simply statements of fact and some are not.
Learning how not to make horrible faux pas like that is one of the hardest things about learning a new language.
one of my tennis friends who happens also to be a nurse, told me today that he is concerned about my mental health because i support donald trump.
i believe he got shafted but i also recognize that very little will probably change regarding his being re-elected.
this man voted for the “green” candidate and said he personally agrees with most of trump’s views but he thinks he’s morally corrupt.
Why do so many Americans think the election was stolen?
I think there might be a little bit of blur (Not sure what the right word is) over the difference between suspicion and evidence. Where are we at now? Forty+ lost cases?
today there is a lot of hope placed in a vaccines to immunise against covid 19 , and relief that they are soon to be available.
that will be shared by the eight million or so jws in this world.
they should be thankful that the wts has moved away from its teaching ,that lasted for decades , proclaiming that vaccination was wrong, and a tool of satan.
To be fair though, the discovery of vaccines predates the discovery of viruses.
People knew that they worked, but they did not know why.
This led to "vaccines" being concocted from the blood, and pus of the infected.
This was tried during the influenza of 1918 and it's documented in books on the subject. As you can imagine, it did much more harm than good.
The JW's retained their opposition to vaccines for decades after the efficacy had been proven, but it did have a basis in fact around the turn of the 19th century
TD — where is “here” that you speak of?
Phoenix, AZ. As a border state, we adopted these measures to prevent people who are here illegally from voting.
Which raises the question: Is there anything (Besides winning) that would satisfy the current administration?
If he (Trump) is going to cry fraud even here in AZ, is this really a question of election integrity or is the goal here to undermine the whole process?
Do you think the procedure you describe would satisfy anybody? Because it's not very far off from what we did here.
We had paper ballots only. Your ballot was personalized to you and you alone If you dropped off your ballot or voted in person, you had to present photo ID. If you mailed in your ballot there wasn't a living, breathing person to check your photo ID, but your ballot was still tied to it, and your signature was checked by a human being.
We had three integrity checks of this system that all came back 100%. And we still have a certain person crying fraud...
I was going to point out that your fourth "Reality" statement was actually an editorial by you but nevermind that.
Testimony presented outside of a formal courtroom or deposition is by definition, hearsay and much of it was indeed ignorant given the stricter election laws we have here in comparison to most of the rest of the country. In addition to tying the ballot to a state issued ID when it is issued, we also do a rigorous hand check of the mail-in signatures during tabulation. Guilliani & Co are either unaware of this or are pretending to be. Presenting any of what happened at the Hyatt as a formal hearing (Of the state legislature, no less...) would indeed be embarrassing for any news agency. I'll admit that saying, "even for Fox" was a little snarky and perhaps unfair, as Fox has actually been doing better lately.
I'm not fan of Biden as I've already pointed out and I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to dissect him too. That's not the topic of this thread though. This thread is about the election and more specifically what is starting to appear as an attempt to subvert it..
It's hard for even the most....challenged....Republicans to balance simultaneously in their minds...
What I don't understand is how anybody is even remotely okay with the dishonesty of this man. I understand why someone would not like Biden, but how can anybody condone a pathological liar?
From @realDonaldTrump on Twitter yesterday:
"Why is he (Governor Ducey (R) of Arizona) rushing to put a Democrat in office, especially when so many horrible things concerning voter fraud are being revealed at the hearing going on right now."
Governor Ducey was obeying state law and the 30th is actually a little late as states go. There also was no "hearing" in any official sense of the word. Trump attorneys and supporters met in a hotel conference room and alleged massive voter fraud via mail-in ballots. As I've pointed out already, we don't mail out absentee ballots willy-nilly here. You have to ask for one and it is tied to a state issued ID, which is a more stringent standard than the signature comparison.
@realDonalTrump retweets "TRUE!" @Christina Bobb: "Gov Ducey has betrayed the people of Arizona."
Governor Ducey was doing his job in accordance with state law.
@realDonaldTrump retweets RSBN "Watch live: Arizona State Legislature Hearing on Election Fraud"
This is a bald-faced lie. This was not a hearing of the legislature.
@realDonaldTrump tweets "Wow, total election corruption in Arizona. Why isn't @FoxNews covering the Arizona hearings"
Because Rudy Giuliani & Co., Arizona's Kelli Ward and a few others meeting at a hotel does not constitute an official hearing and a barrage of ignorant hearsay would be embarrassing, even for Fox.
when i say; “socialist” i don’t mean everyone is equal.
instead i am referring to “leaders” being rich and powerful, whereas the ordinary citizen being poor, and powerless.. i was surprise that the majority of the world is run by socialist government.
the last few countries that are not socialist are the united states and parts of europe.
The exact point of balance between state and federal responsibility is a complex subject and I'm not an expert. States do have a certain autonomy though.
California has been nicknamed the giveaway state because of its generous social programs while states like mine rely more on religious and charitable groups. I don't think this works with healthcare though, which needs to be portable.