Need to solve the crossword puzzle in pencil. You pointed out mistaken wt conclusions but I don’t think the methodology is faulty because it uses only scripture to solve the puzzle.
By my count, the Bible Students / Jehovah's Witnesses have produced five separate commentaries on Revelation and none of them has been based solely on scripture. All five are a mish-mash of scripture, doctrinal concepts peculiar to JW's, interpretations of scripture used as a springboard for further interpretation all garnished with a sprinkling of history.
The author or authors of all five assume that they are the "chosen" in the sense of being either active participants and/or the actual targets of prophecy. (I'm using the term loosely as much of this is wild allegory and not prophecy)
In retrospect, it comes across as arrogant, but I honestly don't think it was meant that way. It's a faulty methodology leading to faulty conclusions.
Rev is not simply history and instruction. It is about relief from human suffering and ultimate justice.
I said, "primarily" which is not entirely and certainly not "simply"
The book was written during a time of heightened persecution as an encouragement to Christians. That context can't simply be tossed to the wind, which is what happens when a modern commentator treats the immediate audience as unimportant.