...would someone explain to me why the Jehovah's witness community are
holding their "lord's evening meal" on Tuesday 4th April; when the
Jewish community are not holding their 2023 passover until the 5th April
JW's share the fundy belief that Christ as the "Lamb" had to die on the exact same day as the Passover lamb. Everything therefore must be crammed into a 24 hour period
On the 13th of Nisan, (By JW reckoning) JW's hurry home from work, get ready, and go to their Memorial. Although the preliminaries can begin before sundown, the actual passing of the emblems always occurs after sundown, when the 14th has technically just begun. The next day, when they wake up, it will still be the 14th and the 15th will not begin until the next sundown, nearly 24 hours after the JW celebration.
Numbers 33:3 very plainly states that the next daylight period after Passover was the 15th, not the 14th, so the JW's are a full 24 hours early in their observance.