JoinedTopics Started by KingJehu1
Only One Destiny for All Christians
by cofty inthe following is an extract from an article i wrote when i left the watchtower 25 years ago.
it may be helpful in reasoning with a jw about the anointed/great crowd distinction.. --------------------------------.
to divide people into those with a heavenly hope and those with an earthly one is not a biblical concept.
Who make up the new memorial partakers?
by jwfacts inwhen the doctrine regarding 1935 being the close of the calling was done away with in 2007, it was not unexpected to see the number rise.
over the next few years it went from around 8,500 to 10,500. this seemed to indicate that there were a couple of thousand people that may have felt they had the calling all along, but too shy to profess it.
for the 30 year period between the mid 1978 and 2007, parktakers had barely dropped.
New NWT deception at Genesis 8:22 to indicate earth remains forever.
by jwfacts ini could not find mention of this before.
i was reading genesis 8:22 in the niv and was surprised i had never noticed that this verse gives the impression that the earth will not remain forever.
genesis 8:22 stated by god after the flood, when promising to never again destroy all living creatures.. as long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.