Jesus was a first-year century human being who allegedly went to heaven. You're gonna have to do better than that, fella. [/b]
He wasn't raised a human, he only materialized like angels did in the past . When an human eats , they defecate . The is not the same with angels when they materialize and ate . The ressurected Jesus need not defecate when he collects fish from his disciples cos he wasn't human. Genesis 5:2 an human is a creature with flesh and blood.
Corinthians 15 says it is sown a physical body and raised a Spiritual body. Spiritual by definition is not physical .
I repeat it again John 3:6 what is born again or born of spirit is SPIRIT . A hope of becoming Spirits not humans.
By now you should realize the significance of Paul's words " We shall be CHANGED " . No longer humans bro
how do you now explain Revelation 21:3,4 that says " Humans " of flesh and blood will dwell forever without dying ? - this doesn't explicitly state that humans will live forever on planet earth. If you maintain otherwise, it is up to you to show us your working out.
I'm not going to do your research for you.
Those going to heaven must Be CHANGED
Humans ( flesh and blood ) cannot inheirt God's Kingdom in heaven . This is why those going to heaven must undergo a change. John 3:6 what is born of spirit is SPIRIT.
For this place to mention humans , they are still creatures of flesh and blood , not changed as spirits , shows they are not in heaven but Earth ( psalm 115:17 the Earth he has given to humans )