Hi Believer,
I do believe in God. I have examined both sides of the atheist/theist argument and find that the argument for the existence of an intelligent creator (God) is overwhelming.
I believe that by using deduction alone, we can be more than certain of this. The very first question should be: Did someone create the universe? Even Richard Dawkins admitted that a likely scenario was that an Alien race planted life here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t-w26yhZ6M
The first question should NOT be: "is Speciation a fact".
May I suggest the book "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist"? Of course, I feel that you should also examine the atheist/agnostic side of the argument as well
Cofty, how in the heck did you end up an evangelical after JWs? Did you turn to a particular ist or ism? Calvinist? Did you attend church?