Their peers found them to be aloof. I think I might have a tendency to be aloof also if I found myself being criticized with every move I've made, since my playground days in Compton, California.It's because these sisters are black.
The world of tennis was finally forced to recognize their greatness and set aside their racism after these girls won a few grand slam titles.
...seems to want to have one foot in the world, and one foot in the organization. Sounds like alot of people I know.
Johnny Mac doesn't need to be handing out advice.
Maybe it gives them the strength they need to look up into that sea of white faces... and ignore those hate vibes coming at them.
They are... two of the most naturally gifted athletes this country has ever produced.
dang! did you tell 'em, or what?
no, YOU go, Seven!!
Edited by - teejay on 18 March 2001 20:25:40