Hello again, LoneWolf,
Interesting thoughts. They, and you, can be summed up easily --
you never were a Witness.
Oh sure, you got baptized, went to the meetings, you had the
appearance of a Dub, just never bought into the whole spiel. I'll
show you what I mean.
You said:
I also see that they have almost completely lost faith in anything,
even the Bible and Jehovah himself. In realizing the fact that they were at
one time, like me, in the congregations and thoroughly believing
all of these things
your following questions/statements serve to lift the mystery. Your question:
Why have I not been as drastically affected as they have?
you yourself answer: I was a loner. I never really cared all that
much what man's opinion was
I have been in the doghouse most of my life due to my own
insistence on not doing things because I was "supposed to". I felt that it
was highly important that I do them because I wanted to and decided to.
that type of person is antithetical to a truly loyal Witness. Surely you see
that. Loyal Dubs don't exercise (or even recognize that they have) the right
to pick and choose the way you've done "your whole life." Those that you
see as having problems overcoming their JW experience are those who were
like the Boreans, but only up to a point. (I've always been amused by the
scriptural references to them. Yes they questioned what they heard and that
was the last we ever heard of them!!) The typical, loyal JW, sure enough,
checks and double-checks what they read or hear, but they are most likely
to do so with reference material produced by the speaker/writer. Not
surprisingly, it all jibes, and in those few instances when it doesn't they
"faithfully wait on Jehovah."
You were never so encumbered with Borean thinking. You were a lone
wolf. You believed in God, the Son the Holy Word. You just didn't buy
into the Organizational BS. According to ITS definition, you were
an apostate, a wolf (!!) in sheep's (jw) clothing the whole time. That
made recovery for you a very short step. You never fully adopted the
JW mentality to begin with.
I'm sure you've seen "The Wizard of Oz." Remember Dorothy's
disillusionment when Toto pulled back the curtain and it all of a sudden
dawned on her that the person of her admiration, the Great and Powerful
OZ, was just a frail, error-prone human just like her, with none of the
special gifts she long thought he possessed? The realization that she and her
friends accomplished what they did on their own all along?
Well, from reading your history and getting to know you better, I couldn't
say that you fit Dorothy's pattern of belief. Many others do. A life is bound
to become at least a little shaky when a (small or big) part of it is lived
under a delusion that one day evaporates. (see the movie The
Truman Show)
You said:
There are far too many numbskulls ("superfine apostles") who seem
to have convinced themselves that they are so holy that they have the right,
responsibility, and moral capital to pass judgement on every aspect of other
people's faith… we cannot get baptized - without someone else's
permission. We cannot pioneer - without someone else's permission.
We cannot express ourselves in meeting - without someone else's
permission. We cannot raise questions - without someone else's
Who is the "someone else" who's permission YOU sought before getting
baptiszed, pioneering, or commenting in meetings? Isn't it the JW version
of the Great and Powerful OZ? Can you saaayyyy "governing body"?
you said:
Likewise, anyone who stands between me and the God that I love in
order to make sure that I do everything just so, is an interloper and meddler.
And I don't give the foggiest damn how holy he thinks he is or how much
his butt weighs.
but you DID care. You appeased the interloper, the meddler. You dropped
your Lone Wolf persona, ever so little, and bought into the dream. Even
lone wolves have to interact with their kind, team up with their fellows, for
self-preservation. So did you, if only for a time.
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
____________-- Timothy Leary