In Plato's Phaedo a character supposed that in man's primordial pre-existence, there were three forms of human: Two men joined in one body, two women joined in one body, and a man and woman joined in one body. They were too powerful and Zeus punished them by seperating them each into two beings. And the existence we have now has been a chase and quest to find our other half, our soulmate, whichever gender that may be, even if our own.
JoinedPosts by Teirce
am i normal?
by airwlk149 inok, so i am 17 almost 18. i used to have a boyfriend.
we were gonna get married this coming december, but stuff happened and we aren't now.
i had sex with him before marriage, and the bible firmly states to deaden your body memebers, which apparently we did not.
crisis of self
by Tinkywinky ini dont know where to start this but maybe someone out there understands... i have a crisis of not having faith in my judgement of religion.. whats right-or whos right and wrong.. jehovahs witnesses are wrong about so much especially with aview to the governing body etc.. but what if they are right about the rest of it?.
my kids are so precious,and the decisions are up to me.. i arent up to choosing,and i cant make up my mind.. this war is bringing world conditions to peoples front door,and is affecting everyone.. this might not affect new zealand much,at all whatever but the whole state of mankind.. i cant ever see it improving.. i want to see my kids grow up,have their own kids and no i dont want to see death.. this is geniune guys.. if you dont wanna know please skip this thread.. im wondering if anyone else is honest enough to say they feel the same?
Well, you're obviously mentally prepared for the big step, but your heart isn't just yet. What it takes is a leap of faith that there are good people out there. It takes some strength and some determination to bear being loney, if only for a bit, before your feet hit gorund and you meet some non-JW's that you mesh with. As for the question of fearing that some of the GB's statements may have some impending truth, I would refer you to Benjamin Franklin, who says "The only sure things in life are death and taxes". Plus the old stand-by, the only constant is change. If you haven't done your homework yet, digging into the copiously available research that articulates the lies and backpeddling (meaning, you know it but you can't prove) - until you do that and have something to take hold of for balance, you're vulnerable to their tractor-smiles and blame-throwers. At your current level of doubt, you might want to do some hard reading on doctrinal subjects that just absosmurfly piss you the hell off, and this will help your conviction grow regarding other things. Those subjects are out there. You got internet. There's nothing to stop you.
Scratches on forehead???
by wannahelp ini have a friend who is a jw, and he stopped over a while back to visit me... that morning, my dog and i were playing, and he had scratched my forhead, and drawn blood... i thought nothing of it, and actually had forgotten all about it.
about 5 minutes after my friend came into the house and sat down, he noticed the scratches on my forehead, and was transfixed by them.. he asked how i got them, and that became his main focus for a good 10 minutes or so.. he just sat there and stared at them.. .
what the heck was he thinking about.. i know the bible says something about marks on the forhead, but i'm not too sure what that would mean, as i'm not too well versed in the bible??
I had heard it said that Witnesses who were born Catholics were usually more superstitious. A brother from Miami with high Spanish ex-Catholic population had tons of demon stories about not picking up pennies in Miami because they might be haunted by some local demons that came over from.. S America or some fuck, um, demons who would consume the food set before (by the householder) it right during a bible study, Witnesses leaving their bibles open to certain passages to ward off demons. As a tyke, when I had just got a precious few star wars figures, this piofriend of my mom's near-convinced her to throw out my Yoda, because it might be demon-possessed. I saved him!
I'd pay real f'n money to see a demon or anything occult happen.
American Pagans talk about the Attack
by GentlyFeral in .
pay special attention to "mountaingal's" post at the top of the page.. gently feral
There are advantages to ex-Witnesses in researching Greecian mythology, or mythology in general, to grok how badly the Society destroys genuine human spirit. Most of the humanist Greeks didn't look at these deities as existing, sentient beings; that wasn't the point and they weren't cowardly superstitious. They just needed something large and maneuverable with with to discuss great ideals. But in the Society, all that was stripped for people who can only look up ideals like Justice and Love in a frikin green Insight book, bled dry of soul. Reading mythology makes you love life. The Taliban could use love for life, also.
No more Judical Committee
by STRUGGLE inhi rollercoaster, i am here and i am df'd.
very long story about that one.
in essence i told the elders about themsleves.
Oops, my bad. I thought my drama would be interpreted as drama. Royt. I fell low for hours as a pioneer and had to meet with the Service Committee in the cellar. You know how they sit around you in a circle - they also make sure you're only in shirt and tie and they're in broad-shouldered suits... heh
No, the Real JC was genuinely painful. Not comedy material exactly. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to go, know what I mean? It's where you face the fact that for all the advantages of friends and family, they just can't bolster the impending weight of insanity. You just have to say goodbye. Actually it was my younger brother, who wasn't an MS yet, who suggested that I should consider "doing something", he knowing full well what exactly he was suggesting. That man was a true man, and has all my respect.
What if biological weapons were on board?
by bluesapphire inthese people are crazy enough to do that ... put biological weapons on board the airplanes that would be released upon impact.. another thing i've thought about is this: don't airlines come from countries that are hostile to us?
i mean, what if a middle eastern airline which is destined for us has a nuclear warhead planted on it and the pilot is one of these terrorists?
couldn't they just plow into the white house or any target they choose?.
There's no such thing as an over-reaction now. We cannot presume likelihoods of foreign/fundamental mindsets and capabilities either. We cannot rule out that a foreign pilot would be in a ring, and abet the stowing of a nuclear device, and assist his crew and passengers to praise Allah. Logic doesn't apply anymore.
How Long have you been here?
by Unclepenn1 ini have been on several witness mb's sporatically within the last couple of years.
hanging on one for a while, then hangin on another.
how long has this one been here?
I'm new here, and it's nice to see other warped ex-Witnesses. I have a question: While I was in the religion years ago, I lost touch with someone who df'ed. But now that I've been out some time, I'd like to find them. What-all places can someone go to do searches and so forth on ex-Witnesses?
Scratches on forehead???
by wannahelp ini have a friend who is a jw, and he stopped over a while back to visit me... that morning, my dog and i were playing, and he had scratched my forhead, and drawn blood... i thought nothing of it, and actually had forgotten all about it.
about 5 minutes after my friend came into the house and sat down, he noticed the scratches on my forehead, and was transfixed by them.. he asked how i got them, and that became his main focus for a good 10 minutes or so.. he just sat there and stared at them.. .
what the heck was he thinking about.. i know the bible says something about marks on the forhead, but i'm not too sure what that would mean, as i'm not too well versed in the bible??
Dude, this is where you need to invest in lime-green scary contacts and Halloween/Dracula fangs. Make sure he doesn't see them until BAM!!
(actually, no, you might lose a JW friend that way..)
No more Judical Committee
by STRUGGLE inhi rollercoaster, i am here and i am df'd.
very long story about that one.
in essence i told the elders about themsleves.
I had a committee formed on me for being many hours below the pioneer level for the year. I was nervous, and I didn't understand why.. They were all loving brothers, weren't they..?
A question about sex
by Evelyn inare there any jw's here that are no virgins, but are also not married?
i am not a virgin, and not married..does that mean i'll die in armeggedon?
and how is masturbation bad?
Sexual expression by any method was the original identification with the cosmologic wonders and cycles of the seasons, which were invariably identified with a female goddess, a female world, a female origin, Mother of All. That's who the sacred prostitutes were in the temples of Ashtoreth and so forth. Each time they served the male visitors, they embodied the divine goddesses, for a moment, so as to distribute the goddesses' blessing. The Jewish god came along. The male proponents of the male god Jehovah conquered and assimilated the various female goddess elements, and by and large created a focus on ideas rather than sensations. The male Christian interpretation of the Jewish god came along, and severed the natural material sensory world from the spiritual idealist world. The physical body, the planet, the natural creative power embodied in women, all this was villified as sinful. Any sensual attraction or urge arising from the body, particularly dealing with the dangerously meaningful and symbolic sex drive, was now to be sublimated into spiritual, non-sensual interests.
Back to your question, Any religion that instructs its followers to sublimate their sex drive are actually harnessing the energy of that sex drive and employing/exploiting it. In the case of the Witnesses, they are converting that sublimated creativity and expression through the transmission of a door-to-door gearbox into monetary funds. The Witness won't see a cent of that except in the rare occasions where a disaster causes the informal insurance policy of "brotherly love" to go into effect. Even then, it isn't the Society's money, which is secured.
One of the most important things that the Socieity does to ensure that no one gets to the real origins of your questions is by forbidding research into other religions. One who does finds out that there were virtually no original religions that didn't revolve around sex. There is a reason that male Christianity denigrates the menstrual cycle of women, that's because it was originally held in awe by primitive cultures, when there were "matriarchal" societies. Female sexuality has been repressed and abused by males because of being "dangerously" addictive, tempting, distracting to the less-powerful, non-alpha males that they must also control. The Witness/Puritan/Amish ideal of covering up their women's sexual attractiveness is as close as they can get to the shawls and mandatory covering of Islamic women as would be tasteful in non-Islamic society. (The book "1984" has other information dealing with how powergroups attempt to control sexuality.)
Now, if a Witness does not choose to question the supposition that a Satan with his Demon committees has individually orchestrated the vast array of primitive and well-developed religions around the world, then, it's kind of hard to question the other teachings that sexual repression is good for you. So, back to Satan and the Babylon diaspora. Sure, a Satan could be a resourceful and intelligent figure. With the assistance of millions of demons, it's conceivable that they could amongst themselves, develop a culinary smorgasboard of George Lucas-esque diversity in belief ystems. It's conceivable. Does it follow Occam's Razor? No. Are Witnesses allowed to use Occam's Razor as a cognitive instrument? Not admittedly.
However, logic and simplicity suggests that religious formation was organic and grew of itself, naturally. What are the primary chromosomes? Female XX. Female is the default in every human. The male chromosome was the mutation, and the male species, necessary only for cross-polinating X-chromosomes, was free of maternal, child-caring activities, and was freeto grow strong in physiology. Males were strong than females for a long time while inhabinting with them in awe. Science and agriculturalism led to a greater understanding of the life cycle, and eventually they didn't see as much need to remain in awe. The Jews were the first to take this idea the farthest.
The brand of belief that Witnesses practice is the culmination of male-dominated anti-sexuality, and is powered only by that guilt-laundering transmission that converts sexual tension into cold hard cash. Therefore, if a Witness chooses to remain in the belief system, they'll be stealing from the organization when they indulge themselves in masturbation. Every instance of it saps the practitioner of that much more frustration that would normally be channelled into seeking money at doorsteps. It is such a dangerous form of theft to the organization because it is so undetectable, particularly for females. Only one person, with little chance of informants - it's the perfect crime.
So is masturbation bad? Absolutely! It is bad for the Society with zero loss to the individual. They can't pinpoint why, exectly, the practitioner doesn't seem to give a whole 1.0 damn for walking around on sweaty days, and the only way they'll ever find out is if the practitioner "screws up" and does something related to sexual expression with a second person. Think of all that money they will have lost by the time they found them out. And look at all the Kingdom Hall and Circuit Assembly air, carpeting, seating, lighting, and speaker volume they've been using!! Very ungrateful. (I could go on, but..)