Did I strike a nerve? Thoughts? Was there a recent study article written about reaching out to "inactive" ones?
Probably. She is your mom after all. She may be coming from a place of love and care for you. I am basing my comment on the premise that you have a loving mother.
My thoughts are that sometimes the reaching out doesn't come from a WT directive. It may have come from the fact that she just found out that you have a child that she didn't even know about. As brainwashed as they are, JWs are still human, they feel and they love and they need to know about their loved ones.
Through the years I have seen and experience a very unstable, psychologically damaging varying stances from the WT when it comes to loved ones who have left. Of course, their directives have nothing to do with the well being of anyone but themselves, and that may be the reason why it constantly changes.
In the last decades they have said that it's not ok to talk to ex-jws, then that it's ok to have some form of communication, then back to not talking at all, then reaching out directly to them, then leaving up to the jws, and round and round they go. It is very hurtful for JWs to have to go through all those directives as the Wt see them fit without taking into consideration people's feelings and the fact that they are dividing families for their own benefit.
For some reason I think that in this case your mom just saw you on FB and saw that you are ok, alive, well and thriving, while she's there expecting you to be suffering some kind of consequences for your decision, making such consequences want to go back. She's jus being your mom, I think.
It has to be very saddening for JWs to realize that they don't have any power over those who leave because of them, and those who leave them hold them responsible for ending relationships.
I wouldn't pay attention to her nonsense; I think her feelings speak the real truth.