JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
What will humans look like in 1000000 years?
by James Mixon inok, the bible is a fascinating book of fairy tales, so we move on..e. zolfagharifard, some guy states "humans will be very different creatures in just 1000 years from now due to climate change,artificial intelligence and genetic mutations are all set to transform our bodies in drastic ways.
a mixture of biology and machine on the inside.
this is only 1000 years from now, what the hell will humans look like in 100000 years????
Anthony Morris Made a special appearance on JW Broadcasting to talk child abuse.
by NikL injust popped on to see if december broadcast was up and it's not.. however, there is a new vid of bro.
morris addressing child abuse within the org..
I have no desire to hear anything those pedophile protectors have to say; in fact, I have no interest in anything they have to say about anything.
They don't care about children, period.
The Faithful and Discrete Slave?
by compound complex inno, the faithful and discreet slave.. discreet: wise, cautious.
discrete: separate, distinct.
noun forms for the above:.
The are so discreet! They respect people's life, career, medical and family decisions so much without intervening in any way, shape or form. (Just in case you didn't notice, I'm being sarcastic).
Are they beating us ???? According to Matt. 24:48..
by tor1500 init occurred to me the other day...the society is loading us up on all types of ways to reach, all types of literature, all types of different ideas, maybe you could use the tools jehovah gave us this way or perhaps you can use it that way, maybe you can volunteer, maybe you can go where the need is greater, maybe you can give more $$$, maybe you can give more time, maybe you can look at how you can be in the ministry more, maybe you can meditate more, maybe you can do this or that for your family study, maybe you can talk to a seasoned witness & find out how they.....& i know there are tons of other things maybe we can do....or yes, forgot this one, maybe you can quit your job....then maybe you can get some rest, because you can't serve jehovah when you are tired.
how can you get more rest if, you don't have no money to live indoors...anyway, with all these maybe's we can do..... it came to my mind that the gb isn't here as of yet & it seems the org.
is pressing the friends for bible studies...they are saying....we are giving you all these tools & so why are you not getting bible studies or return's almost as if they are brow-beating more because the society has given you's not us, folks just ain't listening to us at the door any more....they are not even opening up the door.
So again, I was thinking...they are not actually beating us physically, but mentally to think, something is wrong with us & we are not presenting the message properly....The brothers go on the stage with examples of how you could start a study, & they are effective...yes, on the stage. They are no more effective then the average friend.
How I see it, if folks aren't hungry or thirsty, you can't sell them food or water....folks only buy what they need, if they think they don't need it...they won't buy nor listen to it...
What do you say ?
My saying is that this is the biggest proof to me of how full of --it that organization is. This is their biggest contradictions. According to their own teachings, the proselytizing and reaching out to people is supposed to dwindle as the world is supposed to become such a horrible place where no one wants to hear about their Jehovah. Well, that seems to be happening (in great part thanks to the fact that now the Internet has connected many ex-JWs who are no longer isolated and compare notes). Yet, instead of telling them to be happy because their preaching work is supposed to be coming to an end, at the same time that they claim that their so-called tribulation is near, what they are doing is the complete opposite.
They keep pressuring JWs to get more people instead of letting them know that their work is supposed to be over as the end is near. But of course, many of us are well aware of how full of nonsense their teachings are.
Around 100 billion people have died
by Funchback inaccording to some, the earth may have 10 billion people living on it by the end of this century.
there is genuine concern about space and resources.. imagine, then, 100 billion people being resurrected to live on earth.
some jws will argue that not everyone will be resurrected to earth, including 144,000. imagine 50 billion then, assuming that half of the people who ever lived did something so horrific that they aren't deemed worthy to be resurrected.. jws who are lurking and reading this: where are they going to live?
Where are they going to live? It's impossible for this to happen even if there are no more cemeteries because there are no more dead people (When I was a kid, and I asked where will people live, I was told to think about all the acres of land we will have with no more cemeteries, zoos or jails).
This reminds me of something that apparently they said and for some reason it either magically disappeared or they retracted.
I remember some book that was announced at a convention that mentions that their Jehovah is going to accommodate for the resurrected and/or people who are born when the Earth is full, for the to live in other planets.
When that book came out I was on my very way out and never heard much of it after. What happened with that? I wonder since I believe that at least at that time (late 80's or early 90's) they believed that the overcrowded Earth was never going to happen because there will be space in other planets.
Do they still sustain that? I haven't heard anyone mentioning any of that.
JWs take a page out of the Trinitarian playbook to support the generation of 1914
by OneGenTwoGroups inback in the "good old days", i would look for people in my territory, especially ministers in order to debate the trinity with them.
it was my pet subject that i had spent many hours over several years researching.
i was such a good anti-trinity apologist that i was actually disappointed with the trinity brochure when it came out.
I see the apologists in both camps making very similar moves. Inventing non-scriptural labels such as "groups" or "entities", and defining these labels with such gusto that they are actually creating a new definition for the words being used. But it doesn't matter what labels you use, confusion still abounds.
I guess it was fun while it lasted. Too bad it turned out to be all crap from either side.
Do You Remember When JWs Relished Explaining Their Beliefs?
by minimus ini bet most witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....they are an embarrassment to any old timer..
I bet most Witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the Slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....They are an embarrassment to any old timer.
That's my guess about witnesses to day. I think they love, love, love to explain a lot when enticing a person who's showing interest, but I don't think the average JW can articulate explaining things properly.
"We Had No Idea How Manipulative He Can Be!"
by pale.emperor invery stressfull and upsetting evening was had last night.
i dropped my 2yo daughter off to my ex-wifes home.
all seemed good until i got home.
BUT THE WORST IS YET TO COME... she called the elders. Two elders visited her home and asked my 2yo girl about me. Apparently, a 2yo child told them that i have women over in my house all the time. How a 2yo can articulate such a claim is beyond me. The truth is, when im with my daughter NO ONE is allowed to visit me. Thats my time with my daughter. My ex doesnt believe this and is now only allowing me to see my girl 1 day every 2 weeks!!
Document, document, document. Record those phone calls, try to get things from the elders in writing, and get a lawyer. The JWs have to be put in their place. She is the one abusing the child by submitting her to elders interviews and by restricting her interaction with other children.
Even if you bring other women to your home, who effing cares? That's not her nor the elders business. Go to court and have court mandated visitation for your child. I think you should stop the nonsense now. It's not going to get any better. She and the JWs will do as much as they can get away with.
Showing Kindness To Strangers
by FedUpJW ini feel pretty foolish after reading the drivel in today's wt.
here i was operating under the impression that showing kindness to strangers was something that one did unselfishly.
boy was i wrong!
I feel pretty foolish after reading the drivel in today's WT. Here I was operating under the impression that showing kindness to strangers was something that one did unselfishly. Boy was I wrong! Here are just a few of the statements about how to show kindness to strangers that are going to be slurped up today.
"...warm welcome at the Kingdom Hall."
"Jehovah is equally concerned about people... who attend meetings..."
"...loving concern for fellow believers from other lands..."
"...neighbors, fellow workers, schoolmates make derogatory remarks about those of another background."
"We can show warmly greeting them at the Kingdom Hall."
"To help others feel at home in the congregation...why not accept them just the way they are?"
"We rejoice that Jehovah in his...kindness...has allowed people from all associate with us."
So there we have it. Kindness is shown by getting people in the door of the KH. No one else is kind but rather they always speak derogatorily of others. Is there any wonder that I am FedUp?
Here's something interesting to look at too, FedUpJW. Do you notice that the WT actually have to tell people to be welcoming and loving, even when it is to their own KH? If that doesn't give you a clue of how that organization tries to influence people to the point that they cannot even know to be welcoming, I don't know what does.
That organization takes away so much from people. It's insane.
Thank you for posting this.
Where Does It Say JWs Can't Read Pubs By Other Churches?
by Cold Steel incan jws read publications by other churches?
or by atheists?
i've always heard these are apostate materials.
Is there a general rule or does each KH make it's own policy?
I'd say that "policy" is not the best word to use to characterize what the JWs do with people. Please understand that the WT is a high demand, controlling group, and as such, in many things they don't have written policies, nor do they say anything specific. As is, they change many things that they say and people still continue believing in their nonsense.
They use a lot of rumor and hearsay. They don't take a specific stance on certain things, but they do appeal to hinder people's own instincts and discretion. They instill fear in anything that doesn't come from them as a way to control anything that can influence their loyalty to them. Hence, you may hear different things from different people, although all those things converge in one common feeling, which is fear of anything outside that organization.