I personally believe you should stay with your parents until you're
financially stable. Not the best idea to move out barely graduated from
high school with little money resources. However, staying with your
parents into your 30s and 40s isn't right either, especially if you're
not even willing to obtain employment. I pray that is only my area and
personal experience and not everywhere JW. Seems you never leave your
parents unless you get married or they die. If you willingly leave on
your own and get a job, you're the crazy one.
They keep talking about "millennials" as if that generation is made of these exotic beings that are out of this planet. I mention this because every time someone talks about the younger generation, they come up with something along the lines of "this is the millennial generation", as if that explains everything, as if they are talking about a completely different breed.
Yes, I notice that maybe due to both the culture of complacency and an unstable economy, more young adults are living with their parents with no real plans of leaving.
However, although I agree that yes, people should make the move when they are somewhat solid about it, I don't think that should be the case all the time. In my messed up family, where my JW father was kicking me out every day and reminding me that nothing in that place was mine, that when my mom wasn't yelling at something or someone or having some kind of argument or tantrum, forced to go to the KH and preach, not to mention the difficult childhood I had thanks to them, the rest of the family, the JWs and the mediocre public school system I had to deal with, I think it was quite a good idea to leave as soon as possible and think about financial stability later.
The reality is that home is not necessarily a refuge or a safe place for everyone. And that goes beyond social status.
I agree with you, but only in those homes where people feel welcome, nurtured and safe.