Who cares what the WT thinks. They have no authority over the government. The rest is simple freedom of speech.Every American citizen has the right to express themselves. The WT wants everyone in their crop to express themselves only the way they do.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
Standing for the National Anthem?
by eyeslice2 inwe are currently living in a country where at the cinema the national anthem is played before the start of the movie and it is law that you stand.
does anyone know what current jw thinking is on this?
i know there has been various changes over the years.
questions about some doctrinal issues
by Truth and Justice infirst, a good evening to all on this forum,.
i have been busy with my work, and so i don't come on here much.
but because of winter, i will stop in on occasion and share some interesting insights.
So, has there been a change as far as who you would help? So much of what has been a JW doctrine or belief, all of a sudden has been changed to accommodate a new idea or agenda to more or less tighten the reigns of the witnesses. If someone has some info, I would really appreciate it.
I don't have any info on that, but in all honesty, why discussing kindness under the glass of that organization? Any decent person with any decent morals should know to be kind to people. That should be the end of it. The Wt trying to regulate who/when should receive help is just beyond absurd. That should be the end of it.
Preaching work already done - not for now
by stockholm_Syndrome incompare what happened during the apostolic period -col 1:23:provided, of course, that you continue in the faith, established on the foundation and steadfast, not being shifted away from the hope of that good news that you heard and that was preached in all creation under heaven.+ of this good news i, paul, became a minister.rom 16:26but has now been made manifest* and has been made known through the prophetic scriptures among all the nations according to the command of the everlasting god to promote obedience by faith;who was the preaching commission, or coming forward as a witness given to?
remembering context, audience and purpose….john 15:27;and you, in turn, are to bear witness,+ because you have been with me from the beginning.hmmm i personally wasn't with jesus from the beginning ---were you ?matt 11:1when jesus had finished giving instructions to his 12 disciples, he set out from there to teach and preach in their cities.i wasn't one of his original 12 disciples ---where you?matthew 28:16-20however, the 11 disciples went to galʹi·lee to the mountain where jesus had arranged for them to meet.
17 when they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted.18 jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “all authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.
Who cares
Prince wanted Obama to ban birthdays and Christmas, according to his buddy Van Jones
by OnTheWayOut ini saw this news scrolling at the bottom of the television screen this morning.
i looked it up.
not much of a story, but it certainly has the ring of truth to it.
Every JW wants to ban birthdays and Christmas. Celebrity status doesn't make it any different.
Should a Priest ,Elder ,Pastor withold a crime from the relevant authorities because of a confidential confessional ?
by smiddy inwhat do you believe , is a confessional something that is sacred between the the two parties involved ?
or does it depend on the severity of the crime/sin.. or is their a responsability of the recpient of the confession to divulge what he/she knows about the crime.?.
what we see in movies ,tv, etc shows it is a no no .but is that true ?the confessional is only between the two involved.?.
What do you believe , is a confessional something that is sacred between the the two parties involved ? or does it depend on the severity of the crime/sin.
In USA, as long as the person enters a fiduciary relationship with the priest or authority, the law is very clear. The priest or other authority must report to the police when a person's or another person's life is at risk of harm. The rest, no, there's no legal obligation, and that's done based on the ridiculously false premise that priests and religious figures of authorities are supposed to have good morals and do the right thing.
The issue is if child sexual abuse is considered life threatening. That's part of the reason instead of calling those children "victims of sexual abuse" they call the "survivors of sexual abuse".
Did you ever think about being persecuted?
by Funchback ini was introduced to the jw religion at the age of 7. i can't recall when i was taught about having to suffer persecution in the so-called last days, but i do remember thinking that i would crumble under pressure.. as i entered my young adult years, i imagined how governments would persecute us.
i had thoughts of being tortured for information and then how i would say anything to the torturer just to stop the pain and then be labeled a modern-day judas, missing out on everlasting life.. the jw way of life and expectations are both scary and unrealistic.. i am glad i have canceled armageddon.
also, if i should ever be tortured for some belief or principle, i shall remain strong until the end.
I can't recall when I was taught about having to suffer persecution in the so-called last days, but I do remember thinking that I would crumble under pressure.
I grew up with a lot of ideas about what that means. Now I think that that's a way for the WT to divert attention from the real persecution. In school and by the community I grew up in, I was quite persecuted for being a JW. There was so much bullying and disrespect from teachers and pretty much anyone who wanted to say something.
Yet, that's never addressed in congregations, other than indoctrinate you to believe that those things are good and a sign that the end is near.
Lunch today with.. JW step father....
by raven init has been a while since i've posted, i think its because i have finally gotten some peace and quiet as far as harassment from the jw elders.. my step father, the one who reported me to the elder police for a sinful act invited me to lunch today.. it has been almost a year since the incident, we have talked here and there, it has been just casual though.
he says he is in town for work and asked if i would like to meet up for lunch, i couldn't think of any excuses so i agreed.. i hope it goes well, hope that we don't go into the jw nonsense.
hope he doesn't bring elders with him, am i paranoid or what?
I just got back from lunch with step father.. I have to say, all of my speculations, paranoia ideas were put to rest.. We talked about generic topics, weather, work, cars, family etc.. He did try to drop a couple of JW points in there, he told me that two people I knew got reinstated.. He also said during our subject of cars, that he wants to trade in his car for a bigger one so that he can always use it for service. I was friendly about it, but I didn't ask questions. Anyways, so it went well, maybe more lunch meet ups in the future?
Good to hear that you didn't feel uncomfortable. Maybe I too am paranoid, but I sort of smell a hidden agenda here. The JW thing here and there may have been him testing the waters to see how receptive you are to their nonsense. Brainwashed doesn't mean stupid. Chances are he knows that he cannot come full throttle with the JW nonsense to you, but he may want to get a sense of what to expect if he tries to talk JW trash.
Glad that it didn't bother you, but I'd still be vigilant in the next lunch. I hope to be wrong.
Poopie has a thought what do you think child molestation
by poopie inso here's my thought what should be done to an elder that is accused of molesting a child and there no 2 witnesses ?
1. the elder should immediately step down or be removed.2.
the child should be protected.
So here's my thought what should be done to an elder that is accused of molesting a child and there no 2 witnesses ? 1. the elder should immediately step down or be removed.2
The child should be protected. 3. he should be removed minimum 1 year until he is proven innocent. why because he is no no longer irreprehensible or blameless even though he may be in fact be innocent.Since he's an elder and should be an example of humility he should be willing to step down. what do you think ?
OR, the mother fucker elder can get arrested, go to jail if found guilty, and become a registered sex offender for the rest of his life, so he can't get anywhere near children.
If he's proven innocent, the accuser, if it's the child, should get psychological help, and if it's an adult, the mother fucker should get arrested and in jail for malicious prosecution, and sued for slandering and damages.
Either way, the WT should stay the fuck away from making decision around child abuse.
Angry and scared
by BlackWolf ini feel like everything that comes out of my mothers mouth is something negative and cringe worthy.
all she seems to talk about with me is how terrible and demonic our disfellowshipped relatives are, how horrible the world and holidays are, or how she is so much better and "holier than thou".
it really makes me sick sometimes.
So sorry you're going through that. You don't deserve to be scared in the home that is supposed to be your nurturing refuge, leave alone by your own mother.
My mother was always raging and looking for something bad to say about everything and everyone. It's no fun to have a person like that as your mom, trust me, I know.
Just know that you're not alone, and that you have your life ahead of you. The right time to face life as an adult will come, and also the opportunities to start forging the life that you want for yourself. Hopefully you may not have to choose between her and your life.
I don't know the particulars of your story, but with my mom I had no choice but to learn to set boundaries with her. She wouldn't just quit. So little by little I started pointing to her how angry, bitter and argumentative she was all the time, and that "paradise" isn't exactly the word that came to mind when I saw her or hear her talking so badly about others. Notice that I didn't have to defend any of the shunned ones; I only pointed out her behavior, regardless of who she was ranting about.
That helped me some times, but sometimes she would just explode in anger and would start throwing things.
So yes, I wish I could say that things can get better, they never did with my mom, although later in her life she learned to behave better as she saw that as an adult I became quite happy and successful, while all she was still doing was ranting, arguing, yelling and preaching.
1st christmas ever
by notalone inso, i am around 50,4th gen born in- christmas.
strange thing this christmas thing.
i've been watching people this year, really watching them.
Well, congratulations on your first Christmas. Sorry you still have to hide things. Not to worry, though. Leaving is a process and things are not going to go perfectly or as wanted, especially if you're fourth generation born in (Oh, my!).
Anyway, I agree that a nice Christmas celebration with loved ones and good friends is a lot if fun. However, the JWs do capitalize in the fact that there are in fact, people who are not fond of Christmas. I'm in NYC and during this time counselors, psychologists and support groups get very busy with people who have rather traumatic experiences with Christmas.
However, that's not the majority of people. It really is what you make of it.
I can't quite point at my first Christmas per se since I celebrated it a couple of times when I was still in. Again, not the perfect circumstances to share the joy with loved ones, but the part I was able to enjoy was great.
Congratulations and Merry Christmas!