Lunch today with.. JW step father....

by raven 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • raven

    It has been a while since I've posted, I think its because I have finally gotten some peace and quiet as far as harassment from the JW elders.. My step father, the one who reported me to the elder police for a sinful act invited me to lunch today.. It has been almost a year since the incident, we have talked here and there, it has been just casual though. He says he is in town for work and asked if I would like to meet up for lunch, I couldn't think of any excuses so I agreed.. I hope it goes well, hope that we don't go into the JW nonsense. Hope he doesn't bring elders with him, am I paranoid or what? Just when I thought I was calming down and living life I start to imagine the worst. Who knows, maybe it will be nice, we can talk about things other than JW- I feel as though that would be difficult since JW's seem to only ever want to talk about almighty Jehovah.. I am ranting at this point. Just thought I'd share with you all.. If any of you have gotten together with a JW relative after exiting, how did it go?

    I'll send an update after lunch.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Raven, I'm sure he isn't going to have any other elders there at the lunch. For one thing, he's from out of town and unlikely to have talked another elder to make the trip with him just to have lunch with you.

    Actually, it's to his credit that he's taken the initiative to ask you to lunch, and not stick to the hard line of shunning.

  • raven

    Thanks for your input ROOM215, you have a good point, however I live 2 hours away from my ex KH ( Step father attends that one ) He is in town for the day so I assume it would have been too short of notice to ask an elder to come.. He did ask me, so perhaps he is trying to make effort not to entirely shun me, especially after these terrible shunning talks. My hope is that one day he will wake up.

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Hi raven,

    I think quite a few witnesses are flouting this cruel man made policy and can see beyond the BS they are fed by the GB. Best of luck to you.

  • raven

    UNSHACKLETHECHAINS, I agree with you, I think that a lot of witnesses sneak to talk with shunned family and/or friends.. I cannot imagine how these folks are able to shun so coldly. I have always noticed though that many of the active JW's will hear a talk about how they need to treat ex JW friends and family or even "worldly people", they'll snap into shun mode, but after some time they wont be so harsh.. And then just in time, another GB speech or talk is presented to reel them back in.. Such control, incredibly sad.


    Hope he doesn't bring elders with him, am I paranoid or what?

    Image result for just because you're paranoid

  • raven

    OUTLAW, I sure hope they aren't..


    Me too..

    Hope for the best,prepare for the worst..

  • raven

    OUTLAW, agreed. 1 hour until lunch! If he doesn't have an elder there, I am sure JW topics may perhaps come up, but maybe because he will be trying to preach to me to come back.. Sigh, just hoping to enjoy a nice lunch JW topic free.

  • flipper

    RAVEN- Enjoy your lunch with your stepdad- carefully. Don't assume he won't bring up JW topics- because he probably will. Just thank him for his concern and don't give out any personal information about your living situation. Talk about the weather , movies, Donald Trump - don't set yourself up because he just possibly may be setting you up. Be cautious. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper P.S. Thanks for commenting on my mom, I appreciate your kindness.

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