It look very possible that the borg could lose their charity status in both the uk and oz if this happens the jw will not have all the tax breaks for the buildings that they have now.And that the headquarters will have to start finding extra money.And as they have done so much cost cutting anyway these past years i think they will have to start selling kingdom halls off.
It doesn't look very possible, actually. IT IS HAPPENING. The WT has been in the real estate BUSINESS, for profit for some time now. Selling KHs is neither new nor something they haven't done.
The WT currently is in the business of real estate. Don't think so? Don't believe it? Here's the information:
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Brooklyn Real Estate Office
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, New York 11201
(718) 560-5001 Phone
(718) 560-5002 Fax
[email protected]
They know very well that when it comes to their structure as a cult, having blind followers making big money for them, it is no longer as profitable as it was. So they got into the real estate business.