To me it's very simple: they are wrong, period. I don't have to justify, especially to them, my Christmas celebrations. I can't care less about what they believe.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
Why Jehovah's Witnesses are WRONG about Christmas
by David_Jay inas you know (and are probably tired of hearing me repeat), i’m jewish.
yes, i was a jehovah’s witness when i was a teenager and into my 20s, but returned to my roots and now celebrate chanukah when the holiday season comes around each year.. so why am i writing about christmas?
well, that’s because i thought i would share something about how jehovah’s witnesses teach against christmas.
Human Blood is biblically not forbidden
by TheWonderofYou inbiblical speaking human blood is not prohibited, in the virtue of thora law, it is only prohibited by the virtue of rabbinic law and the reason is because you may confuse it with animal blood.
the rabbinic tradition is: when you are bleeding internally in your mouth, you dont have to spit the blood out.
blood of fish is biblically allowed to be eaten.
Thanks for sharing; I'd prefer choose to eat healthy instead of using all that information to make my nutrition choices.
Would you trust your Doctor if he got things wrong??
by stuckinarut2 injust thinking..... assume we had a family doctor that we had seen all our lives, perhaps he had been the doctor for your extended family too.
he is lovely man, very kind and honest hearted.. but if he had prescribed treatment or medication that was wrong, and had bad effects on you, then changed the medication to something else, then randomly changed it again etc, how would you feel?.
if you did some research into him, and found disturbing facts and things in his history that made you question his qualifications, how would you feel?
True, to some degree. Once again, for some bizarre reason that I can't find, seems like a lot of people in this forum just don't pay attention to more than 80% of what actually make JWs stay JWs, and that has nothing to do with what you state in your analogy. It has to do with THEIR FEELINGS, not with what is logical, not with facts, not with science, not with information that proves them wrong. FEELINGS. A lot of people fail to see the real reason why people still stick with the "bad doctor", which are not only as valid reasons for them to stay, but also should be addressed as much if not more than what the WT teaches.
Experts in the matter of cults explain and agree that the most common reasons for people to stay in a place like the WT organization are:
- They continue to believe in their Jehovah - they will always find a reason to think that they are not worshiping pedophiles, nor that they are making all their decisions based on what the WT say, they claim that they are serving "Jehovah".
- Protect their investment - they are too involved, family is too involve, their entire social and support system is invested in the WT
- Hold onto family - need not say more about this one
- Relationships can be real and solid - they feel that there's absolutely nothing for them outside the WT
- Pride / embarassment - this is pretty much every other American JW I know
- Fear - the way they think the world and their lives will be without the WT is scary; they are afraid of losing what has become their sense of security, even if they know it's a false sense of security
If you look at those things, a lot, in fact, most JWs and ex-JWs agree that those are the reasons why they stay, why they prefer to fade instead of getting disfellowshipped, why they need support when they finally leave. None of it has anything to do with logic or reasoning.
Many JWs are very decent people. Many are very intelligent people too. So it's not about their values nor their capacity to think; its about how they feel.
the future for the borg
by pepperheart init look very possible that the borg could lose their charity status in both the uk and oz if this happens the jw will not have all the tax breaks for the buildings that they have now.and that the headquarters will have to start finding extra money.and as they have done so much cost cutting anyway these past years i think they will have to start selling kingdom halls off.
It look very possible that the borg could lose their charity status in both the uk and oz if this happens the jw will not have all the tax breaks for the buildings that they have now.And that the headquarters will have to start finding extra money.And as they have done so much cost cutting anyway these past years i think they will have to start selling kingdom halls off.
It doesn't look very possible, actually. IT IS HAPPENING. The WT has been in the real estate BUSINESS, for profit for some time now. Selling KHs is neither new nor something they haven't done.
The WT currently is in the business of real estate. Don't think so? Don't believe it? Here's the information:
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Brooklyn Real Estate Office
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, New York 11201
(718) 560-5001 Phone
(718) 560-5002 Fax
[email protected]They know very well that when it comes to their structure as a cult, having blind followers making big money for them, it is no longer as profitable as it was. So they got into the real estate business.
God's word-the publications?
by notalone inokay, so i have a friend that still interacts with my family.
she is going through some difficult times, so i suggested she just read some of psalms.
she became a little agitated and said she would just listen to the mags.
How about your friend goes to some actually functional group that actually provides support for her problems instead of the magic cure of the bible and related nonsense. Makes more sense to me that if she decides that some piece of information causes more harm than good, then seek alternatives. What is the obsession of using the bible as a cure for all problems!
When the CO comes a knocking.
by Thisismein1972 ini was going to reply to another thread, but thought this might deserve a separate topic.. my observations when i was a still in.. the announcement that jesus christ (the co) is visiting our local kh.. would anyone like to "volunteer" their time, money and accommodation for jesus christ.. all ass lickers of said kh come forward to receive jesus christ.
a concerted effort for all to be out in the ministry that week, along with panicking elders visiting homes of those who have not been at the meetings for at least a week, offering "encouragement" so that the number of attendance is up for the week visit.. the self righteous in the kh who would never speak to you (pioneers included) and look down their noses at you all of a sudden start to speak to you.. during the visit, the elders are on their best behavior, thanking everyone who answers up.
the pioneers are martyring themselves by making cakes and practically washing the feet of the jesus christ.. the attendance does rise, with studies being brought along, to show jesus christ what a good little jw they are.. most indoctrinated jw's practically shoot each other to have a turn on the ministry with jesus christ!.
In the 23 years I was a JW, there was only one CO who I felt was somewhat of a role model to me. The rest were all narcissistic personality disorder cases. Worse, their wives were even more narcissistic.
Why Finding the One True Religion is Impossible
by Simon injws like to think they have found the one true religion.
but like so many other religious people, it's usually the religion they were born into, the only religion they know because it's the first one they found or, at the most, one of two or three (typically the second one after they left their first / born-in faith).. the trouble is, there simply isn't enough time to explore and investigate each and everyone of the many thousands of belief systems, religions and sects around the world.. think of it this way: which is the best neighbourhood to live in where you would be most happy and most successful?
not just in the city or even the country you are in, but the entire world.. how would you ever know?
And yet some would have us believe that "God" expects us to find the right one and will kill anyone who doesn't. What a twat.
Great thoughts. Love this ending of your post. That alone should make people who believe that religion is the way, or the one and only way of leaving reflect a little more and probably expand their choices.
Thanks for posting.
Learning Other Languages
by Disassociated Lady 2 inthe jw org keeps its servants busier than ever these days so that their minds are occupied 24/7.
they ensure that there is no time for anything "worldly" to distract them.. in last week's watchtower article on spiritual health they are putting pressure on the congregation to learn other languages on top of everything else they do.
they allude to the fact that their spiritual health will suffer if they cannot understand the talks and publications in other languages.
The JW org keeps its servants busier than ever these days so that their minds are occupied 24/7. They ensure that there is no time for anything "worldly" to distract them.
I'm not sure what you base this on. Growing up a JW in the 70s, I remember back then they used to call them "temporary" pioneers. The commitment was 100 in one month, and it was all house to house, no online, no carts, no websites, no tablets, no apps. It was 100 hours of hardcore house-to-house preaching. Additionally, they used to control more things that today they allow. Today JWs can get away with going to college. Today JWs are allowed other events such as putting choreographies together and participate in other events.
Not to mention than the isolation of people questioning, disfellowshipped or disassociated was far larger than it is today, as we enjoy things like this forum, for example.
It may feel that they are pressuring more, but the reality is that they enjoy a lot more freedoms than previous JW generations.
The core of what they do is all about telling people what to do with every single aspect of their lives. I agree that learning a different language for the sole purpose of pleasing their purposes is controlling, but that has always been the case. It's no different today than it has always been.
Despite their false predictions aren't the JWs right? Won't the world eventually end & Paradise come?
by deegee inaren't there christian denominations who do not make false end of the world predictions but who nevertheless believe that the world will eventually end and paradise (whether in heaven or on earth) will come?.
it seems the watchtower was just jumping the gun when they made false end of the world predictions but they are nevertheless the right: the world will eventually end and paradise will come..
Despite their false predictions aren't the JWs right?
Won't the world eventually end & Paradise come?
Elders and CO visit to your home ... Let's Be More CREATIVE !!!
by RubaDub income on people, there can be a lot more interesting ways of handling the elder and co visits to your home than stated in some other threads.
i will give some here but want your input.. for example:.
-- if the elders/co want to visit, graciously offer them to come on your family worship night.
Love it. When they visited me to talk about my homosexual tendencies (their words; I don't tend to be homosexual, I ma homosexual), I put up such a show, pretending to be crying and in a crisis. Then I suddenly stopped, smiled and said, "nice try".