It's only since leaving that I've felt real happiness and relief. Not having to lie about who i talk to, where im going, what i watch, if i smoke, if i try this, if i do that. In fact, i can honestly say, it took leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses to make me an honest man! On the rare occasions that Witnesses from my old KH speak to me i refuse to lie to them about what i like and what i dont like. I will mention without a trace of guilt that i was in Amsterdam a few weeks ago and smoked marijuana. That i collect Hindu idols to decorate my home and that my friends are a mix of atheists and one or two pagans.
Being able to speak so openly about myself is so liberating and i truely value "the [real] world" for allowing me to be myself.
Yet, what a lot of JWs and ex-JWs still try to waste their time on is discussing doctrine, teachings and seeing everything through the light of the Bible, as if that's what's going to bring them happiness.
Thank you for addressing this topic. Love hearing about freedom from guilt and shame, liberation and freedom to choose whatever you choose to do/be/believe (BTW, Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities of all time, I don't do the marijuana thing, but it's good to know that I can if I want to).