I'm so happy to be from the generation when electronics were made of good quality. The crap that they manufacture today is just appalling. Sad that the newer generation doesn't know better.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
New MacBook Pro fails with lowsy 3 to 4 hour battery life
by jwleaks inwith 2017 fast looming i was looking at upgrading my laptop and was eagerly awaiting the release, and reviews, for the new apple macbook pro series and the promoted longer battery life.. fail ... 3 to 4 hrs for the battery life.
lowsy results also reported by apple discussion members.. new macbook pros fail to earn 'consumer reports' recommendation.
by jerry beilinson.
George Micheal dead
by Je.suis.oisif injust that, he's died aged 53. confirmed on bbc.
bloody hell, i'm devastated..
Just found out. Back in the day I couldn't get enough of his music. He was so talented. In some of his songs (that he wrote) he also played all the instruments.
May he RIP.
What's Up?
by FedUpJW injust wondering if anyone else has noticed that this forum site listing in google has dropped to number 6?.
two days ago it was number 3.. i wonder why all the jay double u dot org listings are so rapidly moving up the list?.
even noticed one that said something about jay double u dot org donations link..
That changes in time, by the user, by location, by SEO optimation of the website administrators, etc. Hard to say what made the change.
So my brother called me last night...
by pale.emperor inmy older brother is studying with the witnesses.
he was raised in a jw household like we all were but he never committed to it.
he stopped attending meetings at 18yo, made a lot of bad decisions in his life and now, at 35yo is having a bible study.
As incredible as that sounds that actually what he said. I very nicely told him of the many, many, many errors the Watchtower has made and told him to read the Feb 2017 Watchtower which confirms they're neither inspired or infallible. Then i asked him where does the "new light" come from if they're not inspired?.
First, I find your post so interesting. I relate to it in many ways. Thank you for posting. I find very interesting what i quoted from you. I'm glad that you redirected him to the actual bible, making the difference between the Wt publications and the bible.
Being the way I am, I always try to look at things from different angles. Yes, it's true and great that he may be understanding what you are telling him. However, I'd suggest to be sensitive to his reasons to take bible studies. Seems to me that as is, JW means recovery from his bad decision making. He may not be in a place where he can make a connection between his recovery and taking responsibilities for his own actions.
What I mean is, if you persuade him that the WT is not good for him, he may not feel like he can find anything to shelter himself from making bad decisions. If he's using the WT as a way of finding a way of having a healthier life, aside from what the WT teaches, I think you should address many non-religious healthy ways of living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
His WT background may have influenced in the bad decisions he took when he left. Point that the WT not only teaches how they are supposed to be as JWs, but also indoctrinates and convince people of what they are supposed to be if they leave. Some people have a hard time understanding that "what happens to people when they want to experience the world" indoctrination. That negative influence is precisely what had caused many ex-JWs going into the world with no life skills (especially those born in) and get them in trouble.
It is great that you may be getting through him, but please consider his real reasons to become a JW, and those seem to have nothing to do with the Bible, not any of the JW teachings.
Did Anyone Else Have a Non JW Relative That They Celebrated Christmas With?
by Sorry inas strict as my parents are, this was an area i had (still do) leeway with.
my mother's side of the family are non witnesses, and since we rarely have opportunities to see each other, my parents let me and my siblings see them during christmas break.
our aunts and uncles spoil us silly with gifts.
From age 0 to 8 my father wasn't a JW and there were Christmas events in my family. After that, no. As an adolescent and young adult, I found a way to celebrate when I felt like it, though I admit, not always I felt like it.
A most interesting Christmas present
by JeffT inso our daughter gave my wife and i a very nice family album of photos from the course of the year.
as we opened it, she said it had a surprise hidden in it, so we're watching for something to fall out.
about 2/3 or the way through it we hit an ultrasound print of a tiny baby.
New KH being built near where I live
by A Believer inthere are two kingdom halls in two parts of the county i live in.
one is smaller and their are already about to begin work to replace with a new one.. just posting because i noticed posts saying their wasn't new khs being built.
and i learned this today from someone..
Add to this the cuts of bethelite and special pioneers, the shrinking of the magazines sizes down to 16 pages, the magazines now being bi-monthly, the selling of bethel compounds, the consolidation of congregations in order to sell Kingdom Hall buildings, the constant asking for money, and you get a clear picture that things are not so well financially down at the supposed House of God.
I totally disagree. People are in such denial about what's really happening! Again, the WT has a real estate business. They no longer rely on preaching and publications, nor they have ever cared about their people. They now have a thriving real estate business. They made gazillions of startup money in their business by having all their KHs turned over to them.
All, each and every single decision they make is solely based on the fact that they have a different source of money making. Here's the contact info:
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Brooklyn Real Estate Office
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, New York 11201
(718) 560-5001 Phone
(718) 560-5002 Fax
[email protected]
https://www.watchtowerbrooklynrealestate.com/Poor of those who are still believing that the WT gives a rat's ass about them. Good luck, suckers.
If gossiping was a D.Fing offence how many in your congro would be D.Fed?
by karter inthere goes at least half the elders wife's alot of the publishers.
Over the years I have seen two df'ed for gossiping, and serval reproved. It's been a long time, since these happened!
Or so they said.
New KH being built near where I live
by A Believer inthere are two kingdom halls in two parts of the county i live in.
one is smaller and their are already about to begin work to replace with a new one.. just posting because i noticed posts saying their wasn't new khs being built.
and i learned this today from someone..
There are two Kingdom Halls in two parts of the county I live in. One is smaller and their are already about to begin work to replace with a new one.
Just posting because I noticed posts saying their wasn't new KHs being built. And I learned this today from someone.
Who gives a --it
Tiny Tim Had It Right!
by new boy in"god bless us one and all.".
if you don't believe in god anymore, that's cool too.
for those of that mind set.
Enjoy the journey....
Thank you for this part. It has the right attitude about our lives.