JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
You wake up one morning and see
by A Believer inthe un has banned religion.
what are you're thoughts?.
also changes to it seem to be on the way....
I's correct, in the name of religion a lot of people has gotten away with causing death and despair. A Believer, that's nonsense. -
Pro-JW site with scanned out-of-print material
by Funchback inmaybe i'm late to the party but i stumbled upon this site:.
lots of old publications and such.. enjoy!.
I never saw that earlier "Did Man Get Here By Evolution or By Creation?" book. I bet it would be pretty easy to debunk...
You never saw that one? God, I'm old! That was the first book I placed in somebody's hand. I was a just a little boy (though with the same smart mouth I still have). Anyway, it brings memories.
Funchback, thank you for sharing.
Did Jesus really say: “If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also”? (Mathew 5:39)
by anointed1 inif we apply to the above verse jesus’ own criterion (“every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit”—mathew 7:17) we will know that it is unlikely that jesus did say it.. when i practiced it, i found that i was encouraging others to slap (whether in its literal or figurative sense) me more and more.
the same is happening in large scale when countries practice tolerance.
we know many countries who “turn the other cheek” when attacked, and it only invites more trouble (which means jesus’ advice is counterproductive).. but see what happens if you return more than what you receive in view of the principle god himself follows.
There are people who care about this because for them every verse of the Bible is "inspired and beneficial"
They shouldn't. It's all nonsense.
upskirt voyeur a JW
by Luo bou to inreport was in nz news paper recently this guy had a camera attached to his witnessing bag so he could film up girls skirts hyperthetical can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the elders a measure of ones spirituality .
Can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the Elders a measure of ones spirituality
Sadly, I can imagine the elders asking for specifics and every single detail of his actions. I always wonder if the elders rub one out after those confessions they get out of people.
A Question about Spiritistic Books
by schnell ini have a nearly academic interest in the occult, though i am not a spiritualist and remain a skeptic.
i've come to learn that demons are based on everything from dust devils in the desert, to diseases, to actual people.
probably most of all, demons are a tool of good ol' fashioned con artists and fear mongers.. but here's a question.
...would it haunt your house?
If you don't think so, awesome, but if you do... What about the e-book???
Is your phone or tablet going to be haunted if you download it? Will you have bad luck if you do? Every time an occult e-book gets copied and downloaded, does a new demon get created to follow that copy around? So when you delete the file, are you killing it?
I'm just curious.
Interesting and excellent questions. I don't think it will haunt anything, physically or electronically. How could they explain the extent to which the "demons" will haunt? Will it haunt the device? the server where it resides? the entire network that carries all the bytes? the service provided?
Come to think of it, maybe my data plan is haunted; that may be why I pay too much for it
In a more serious note, I don't have a specific believe or non believe in things related to that subject. I don't feel that I am informed enough nor properly to establish an educated opinion. I use my logic and also completely disregard what the WT says about demons or objects being demon carriers or similar nonsense.
I'm curious now.
why haven't the elders talked to him yet???
by Homer notsimpson inmy brother got himself in hot water, ive been posting alot about this only cuz i care for him so much.the story goes like this, ge and a girl wete sexting very on and off for a year, they haven't sexted in a year due to her finding a bf... they were engaged in less than a year, and it broke off in august ,she tries to commit suicide, and talked to the elders, she told my brother that and that shes gonna tell on him too.. she got df in august ( shes been reproved before) and its now january 2017.. she claims that she did tell, but because the elders didn't know what his hall was they couldn't do anything, is that a possibility?
why haven't they talked to him?
could it bw that she didn't tell on him?
she tries to commit suicide, and talked to the elders, she told my brother that and that shes gonna tell on him too.. She got df in AUGUST ( shes been reproved before) and its now JANUARY 2017.. She claims that she did tell, but because the elders didn't know what his hall was they couldn't do anything, is that a possibility?
Are you going to believe the words of a messed up suicidal woman that is no longer in a relationship with him? Who knows what/if she told anything to the elders. And at the end of the day, who cares.
I agree, I remember your question previously posted. No one can really tell you why the elders haven't talked to him. All we can do is guess at best.
As I suggested in your previous thread, this could be a great opportunity, as a loving sibling, to have a nice talk about responsible relationships and sex decision making with your brother. Rather than worrying about the elders, probably your brother may need support and guidance about making more responsible choices around sexting with a suicidal JW woman. The elders and the entire JW system will be more than happy to shame and shun him. He will have plenty of that. Support, love and understanding may be a little scarce for him in this situation.
How supporting of him are you?
Does anybody know the story with this?
by careful inthere is a book entitled untouchable by jacob miller published in 2010 (© by angel garcia).
the cover says that it's about "the biggest latino gangster ever recorded to be associated with the mafia.
" ordinarily i could care less about things like that.
So does anyone know what the story is with this book and/or this "Frankie" guy (perhaps "Angel Garcia")? Does anyone know if the book's publication is now, or will become, a problem for the org? If nothing else, it bears watching.
I know nothing about it. However, what you explain may be true, but I think the facts have to be proven. First, is the book a memoir, and autobiography, fiction, a biographic story from the point of view of an outsider about another person? Then, is it verifiable that the person was in fact a JW, became a JW, stayed a JW, that is, what kind of connection if any exist(s/ed) between that person and the WT? Also, was the person's claims about the crimes committed verifiable? And if such relationship with the WT is verified that exist(s/ed), what if anything did the WT (a) know about it, and then (b) do about it?
With the information that you provide it's difficult to hold the WT responsible of anything related to a person that may or may not exist, that may or may not have committed crimes, and may and may not have had a connection with the WT.
I think that makes an interesting research project, thought.
EX JW art
by aintenoughwiskey inbest use yet for old light.
i have no vested interest in her art venture, just an fyi her name is sarah riches hall.
in australia.. .
Those are so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them.
Tried my hand at creating a couple of memes. What do you think?
by nicolaou in.
just a bit of fun..
Very nice, nicolau.
Mom died, How and When I found out
by 3rdgen inhi friends,.
it's been awhile since i've been talkative.
thought i'd give you an account of my latest family dysfunction.. a brief backstory is that i am an only child whose parents were born in jw's.
I am not nor have ever been DF'd DA'd. I have never said or implied anything "Apostate" to anyone other than this forum. YET....This is the fruitage of Watchtower. Just thought you might find it mildly revealing.
I'm so sorry about the entire thing. You don't deserve such mistreatment, never did. It's difficult to be ostracized by your own family in such manner.
I lost my JW mom in 2016 and the events around it with the JWs and the messed up family I have were horrible to deal with.
I hope you're holding up well, and I hope you have a way to bring some peace to yourself and our family. None of it is your fault.
Interesting to see that she was completely involved with the WT nonsense, yet that organization couldn't care less about her well being.
Take care of yourself.