Sooner or later, an Ex-Dub smacks into a wall. That wall is a subject which is NEVER spoken about or taught by the GB or Watchtower with any candor. It is, however, the number one topic in the majority of Christian Churches. That subject seems weird to both Dubs and Ex's.
That's a little pretentious. What makes you think that I as an ex-JW never heard or learned about the concept of grace? Again, my JW upbringing didn't deter me from learning about, as you put it "the number one topic in the majority of Christian Churches", as well as many other topics.
In fact, many ex-Jdubs do go around learning MORE about the bible, about Christianity in general, about pretty much every other concept that other faiths teach that the WT doesn't. Why do you think some join other faiths? The decision of remaining an ex-jw is not solely based on what was taught (or not) by them. A lot of ex-jws end as such precisely because they find a whole lot about a lot of things they never learned before.