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JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
Aron-Ra: Meteorology and the Flood
by schnell ina few days ago, aron-ra posted a new video commencing what he promises to be a new series debunking the noachian flood.
he did this despite the fact that every adult should know it didn't happen, and yet many do.. i'd like to remind everyone what the insight book says: .
the genesis account of creation tells how on the second “day” jehovah made an expanse about the earth, and this expanse (called “heaven”) formed a division between the waters below it, that is, the oceans, and the waters above it.
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer init really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
It really is great. I remember browsing this forum the day after I had joined it, and their was a knock on the door. I thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters. Clearly Jehovahs angels sent them.
How saddening it is to see the wolfs in sheep clothing on this website that for some reason still go to the Kingdom Hall. Well atleast it was sad.
The 20 active members on this site likely don't go to my KH and they have already blasphemed against Jehovah. So to my knowledge, he won't help you when his day comes that is near.
What a load of crap! If you really believed your own words, you wouldn't need to come here at all to "brag" about it.
Get a life.
what happens when god loses his bet with satan
by nowwhat? in"ok jehovah time to pay up i own 99.9% of mankind you have a pitiful one tenth of one percent of followers!
scoreboard i win!!
" says satan.
"Ok Jehovah time to pay up I own 99.9% of mankind you have a pitiful one tenth of one percent of followers! SCOREBOARD I WIN!!" says Satan. "Hmmm ok watch this!" says Jehovah. At that he stretches out his hand and destroys all mankind except his 8 million followers. "How many do you have again? I count ZERO! I WIN I WIN I WIN !" and there you have it folks ,the issue of universal sovereignty is finally settled.
I can see myself dress as a cheerleader, cheering up for Satan.
GRACE? GRACE? What the F*** is GRACE? Jehovah's Witnesses have no idea!
by TerryWalstrom ini think all of us ex-j-dubs have had the --i'll call it a privilege--to exchange views with others who think differently than we do.
we encounter "christians" from mainstream churches.our dialogue is sort speaking to martians.sooner or later, an ex-dub smacks into a wall.
that wall is a subject which is never spoken about or taught by the gb or watchtower with any candor.
Sooner or later, an Ex-Dub smacks into a wall. That wall is a subject which is NEVER spoken about or taught by the GB or Watchtower with any candor. It is, however, the number one topic in the majority of Christian Churches. That subject seems weird to both Dubs and Ex's.
GRACE.That's a little pretentious. What makes you think that I as an ex-JW never heard or learned about the concept of grace? Again, my JW upbringing didn't deter me from learning about, as you put it "the number one topic in the majority of Christian Churches", as well as many other topics.
In fact, many ex-Jdubs do go around learning MORE about the bible, about Christianity in general, about pretty much every other concept that other faiths teach that the WT doesn't. Why do you think some join other faiths? The decision of remaining an ex-jw is not solely based on what was taught (or not) by them. A lot of ex-jws end as such precisely because they find a whole lot about a lot of things they never learned before.
My Dad wants to study with me
by BlackWolf inso my parents continue to pester me about getting baptized.
the other day my dad told me that i was old enough to make a decision, and was wondering why i wasn't ready (assembly is in a few weeks) so i told him calmly that i have many doubts and if i were to get baptized it has to be 100 percent my idea.
he was a little annoyed by this, and now wants to study the "is there a creator that cares about you" book (which is complete bs) with me.
What would you do?
Very hard to say what would I do in that situation.
In no way would I make him feel disrespected. However, there may be a way to let him know that on one hand he's telling you that it's your decision, but on the other he's pressuring you to do what pleases him.
Please understand that in your JW father's mind he's saving you and your life. He believes that by pressuring you to baptize he's pretty much taking you with him to "paradise on Earth". That is no small thing. So whatever you decide to do, the one thing that I suggest you to consider are the feelings behind his actions. His heart as a father is (or may be) in the right place.
Maybe acknowledging that his efforts (though severely misguided) come from a good place may make him listen to you a little more. Something along the lines of "I know that you want to share paradise with me and the rest of the family, and I appreciated that". Then stand your ground a little about this making your decision, and that it will be made 100% once you're sure. Please notice the words. You're not saying you're going to baptized, nor that you're not.
For as long as you depend on your parents, you may need to play that game of dodging this kind of things, including a lot of pressure. Meanwhile, prepare to become as independent from them as possible if you finally decide not to become a JW.
I hope this helps.
My Thoughts on the Subject of Faith
by Saethydd ini've had several discussion about the basis for faith in an all powerful creator for the universe, and it seems as if the conversation often comes back to, "well, either way, you have to have faith either in a creator or in the process of evolution because you can't observe that either.
" setting aside the issue of creation and evolution (where i currently sit at undecided), i was also troubled by the tendency to treat faith as a static or absolute concept when in reality it is far more complex.. to begin with, faith isn't just about belief, it combines the concepts of belief and trust.
for the purposes of this discussion, i will be focusing primarily on the second attribute.
Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts on the nature of faith. Anyone else have thoughts they would like to share, or critiques of the logic I used? After all, I don't claim infallibility.
My thoughts on something you typed:
Logical reasoning (for whatever that is worth to a religious person) can certainly be used to grant such professionals a higher credibility, and this argument has nothing with education, but rather motive.
I wonder where did you get that. How do you back that up? It's juts curiosity. How do you conclude that? I am honestly inquiring, not confronting.
Then my thoughts on the faith thing is that some people don't have the capacity nor interest in looking too far for answers. Again, many people of faith have absolutely no interest in learning truths, science, logic, nor in anything other than what makes the feel right, whatever that feeling is, hope, certainty about the future, guidance, release from fear, sense of safety, a sense of belonging, a sense of direction in life, healing from past bad experiences, a sense of safety from hanging with the wrong crowd.
When you talk to people "of faith", high chances are that they are more into the faith thing for what they get that gives them comfort, than for anything scientific or logical. That explains many people who are literally scientifically educated, people with degrees in many sciences, and still go to church. Some don't don't know it, some do and don't care because it's about what they get in return for their faith.
Personally, I just don't see why people have to choose one or the other. I have my own believes, but don't feel like I need to express them, share them, and certainly, I don't need to prove them to anyone. So is my attitude towards other people's faiths. I draw the line only when others come imposing or trying to prove their faiths as a mean to indicate that they and only they are the ones with the real saying about the topic.
You wake up one morning and see
by A Believer inthe un has banned religion.
what are you're thoughts?.
also changes to it seem to be on the way....
I's correct, in the name of religion a lot of people has gotten away with causing death and despair. A Believer, that's nonsense. -
Pro-JW site with scanned out-of-print material
by Funchback inmaybe i'm late to the party but i stumbled upon this site:.
lots of old publications and such.. enjoy!.
I never saw that earlier "Did Man Get Here By Evolution or By Creation?" book. I bet it would be pretty easy to debunk...
You never saw that one? God, I'm old! That was the first book I placed in somebody's hand. I was a just a little boy (though with the same smart mouth I still have). Anyway, it brings memories.
Funchback, thank you for sharing.
Did Jesus really say: “If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also”? (Mathew 5:39)
by anointed1 inif we apply to the above verse jesus’ own criterion (“every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit”—mathew 7:17) we will know that it is unlikely that jesus did say it.. when i practiced it, i found that i was encouraging others to slap (whether in its literal or figurative sense) me more and more.
the same is happening in large scale when countries practice tolerance.
we know many countries who “turn the other cheek” when attacked, and it only invites more trouble (which means jesus’ advice is counterproductive).. but see what happens if you return more than what you receive in view of the principle god himself follows.
There are people who care about this because for them every verse of the Bible is "inspired and beneficial"
They shouldn't. It's all nonsense.
upskirt voyeur a JW
by Luo bou to inreport was in nz news paper recently this guy had a camera attached to his witnessing bag so he could film up girls skirts hyperthetical can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the elders a measure of ones spirituality .
Can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the Elders a measure of ones spirituality
Sadly, I can imagine the elders asking for specifics and every single detail of his actions. I always wonder if the elders rub one out after those confessions they get out of people.