@James Mixon:
People that believe in a talking snake, are they crazy?????There are millions of believers that believe it.....A friend of mine Aunt worked in a mental institution, she was attack several times by patients and the last time a lady killed her. A big difference in people that have a mental disorder and folks who have been told a big fat fib.
I think most of us agree with that. However, I'm not sure that it gives us the entire picture. Millions of people used to believe that using leeches in medicine were an excellent idea. Millions of Americans in the 1800's were sold on the idea that wearing butt plugs will prevent diabetes and other health conditions (interesting historical fact that I imagine why no one talks about today). I think that you know where I'm going with this. Millions of fools believing something doesn't make that "something" true.
And yes, there are people who are completely in their right mind with no issues at all, who voluntarily choose to accept and believe the entire Jehovah crap that the WT teaches. Those are not the people we're referring to. Those, in my observation and in my (and based on some of the posts in the thread, others') experience were the minority in their and my congregation.
The vast majority of people who join cults don't do so to learn something, but because they are looking to feel something. And BTW, what they are looking for doesn't necessarily has to relieve them from something negative; it's not always coming from a bad place. When you look at it form that point of view, then you can see how attractive the WT can be to people with issues, ranging from simple, to mild, to severe. Hence, our experiences and comments.
The people that we knew in the organization from our birth congregations to where we ended up later in life were NOT known for making wise life decisions. I looked at the disaster of a family that introduced my family to "The Truth", I looked at all of Jehovah's "happy" depressed people around me at the meeting, the people that believed that garlic enemas kept you healthy and that something made from a 9V batter and some wire at Radio Shack cured cancer. I watched people that somehow always had every rare side effect to every medication that they ever took, and people that made poor financial decision after poor financial decision.
Those were exactly my thoughts when I started recovering from my WT-induced depression. I looked at some of the fools in the congregation, and to some of the intelligent ones who were dealing with issues rather than logic and actual knowledge, and the nut cases who were just downright creepy, and started telling myself "This doesn't match such spiritual paradise I've been told all my life about; I'm not sure I want to spend eternal life with these people".
One more thing, dubstepped. Please, please tell me you didn't try the garlic enema thing!