I have compassion for those who have left or been disfellowshipped, yet also for those who become atheist or agnostic. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with that choice. It just seems to me that it might be like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak.
Could you be more condescending? The words I quoted from you gives me the impression that you seem to think that we, atheists and agnostics, need acceptance and understanding from believers. Who the heck are you for me to even listen to you? What do you have to say that we haven't heard before? And what makes you thing that our decision to be agnostics or atheists comes about only and exclusively from our experiences in the WT organization?
I strongly suggest you to look at the grandiosity that you display in your post. Then after that, just mind your own business and let others live.