However, some people are coming across very badly. Extremely angry.
Bitter. Challenging witnesses at the carts and making an absolute mess
of it by getting angry and eventually being moved on by police, etc.
I think that it's a mistake to look at it as "good" or "bad". The number one thing that I keep mentioning is that people who are in the cult of the WT are not allowed to get in touch with their feelings. So it's perfectly normal for a person who's actually feeling something for the first time on their own, to voice it the way they do.
Good for who or bad for who? Good or bad according to what?
It is part of their process. The anger comes and it's felt. In my case took some time to let it go, but I think it's just ridiculous to expect people to be nice and smiley after being harmed by the WT. Anger happens.
Speaking of anger, I also think that many people are conditioned to see expressing anger as something "bad". It isn't (within reason). Some people are still learning to deal with it. Who am I to judge or intervene?
Additionally, I don't think I should care for what other people do or how they deal with leaving the WT. The WT is always going to find something stupid to make people who leave look bad, no matter what they do. Second, expecting to deal with our own anger in a way that looks good to the JWs is still playing by their rules, sort of misses the point of leaving them. Third, who am I to tell people how to express their anger? Fourth, there's nothing new; YouTube only makes it more accessible to see. What's wrong with being in touch with the way things really are? That is, not to mention the proverbial "You don't like it? Don't watch it".