How stupid to believe that only
you have the wisdom of God….!
I am in no way a believer, but I think that your ideas address only part of what religion and religious organizations are and do. What you describe is absolutely true, but is far from the complete picture.
It's neither complete nor fair for religion to be depicted only and exclusively for what they claim to be in relationship with the god they worship. Organized religion plays an important role in society. They do a lot more than simply try to make their people believe what they preach. Furthermore, there are plenty of churches and religious denominations that never force their own believes in people and where it's perfectly fine to not understand or believe in everything.
Also, there is a major difference between religious believes and religious abuse of people or abuse of religion itself. Most-to-all of those people who you see fervently claiming that their way or their god is the one and only are in fact abusing religion and abusing others in the name of religion. That is not what all religions do.
Then there are charities, foundations, social work, schools, religious clubs, retreats, and many other things in which religious organizations are involved that help and plays a major role in communities. Cults, abusive churches and groups that are there for the sole purpose of enriching themselves and exercise power over others are the organizations that may fit more what you describe. Most of those harmful groups do nothing for the community where their people live. Those are the ones pushing their people to believe that there's no other way than theirs. Many, many other religious organizations are nothing like that.