Great job.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
A New Movie
by cha ching indisfellowshipped.... a jehovah's witness movie.
A conversation with an ultra dub relative
by joe134cd ini was talking to a very pimi relative the other day.
despite been ultra orthodox she is a sweet old soul.
because of this i had to be super careful how i worded things, due to my respect for her and not wanting to upset or get her aposta-dar homing i’m on me.
...they are making them thinner so that people can come into the truth quicker...
To me this is the heartbreaking part. They seem so happy in their own little comfy bubble of simplistic thinking.
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elder from my former cong
by jookbeard ini left the wts in the early 1990's and i was baptised at the same assembly as this elder and his wife in the late 1980's they were probably in their early 50's back then, you know the kind; get called on, become a study and take to life as a jw like a duck takes to water, a dream call for all jw's and we went onto to be good friends with them over the years, the book study was held in their house also, he quietly progressed up the jw ladder became an ms then elder, a few months after i started my fade i saw him one day while i waited for a bus and he acknowledged me i said hi etc and he started a verbal tirade towards me about me knowing its the truth, how close we are living to the end, how stupid i was turning my back on it etc blah blah blah, i couldn't really get a word in edge ways, i bid him good day and that was that, he really was quite angry, i never saw him again until recently over 25 years later when him and his wife and their son were having a meal in my local pub, he was standing at the bar ordering, i saw him acknowledged him said hi and he looked straight through me, he said "do i know you ?
" i replied " hey eddie its jookbeard from the ********** congregation, surely you remember me?
" he said sorry i've never seen you before in my life, his wife came over to help him with his drinks and i said "hey pat, how are you?
I kind of felt sorry for this couple caught up in the fervour of the impending millennium and how close we were meant to be to the end, all those years they invested and wasted to the extent where they are now an old couple that time has caught up with, that initial confrontation all those years back is still fresh in my memory yet this old elder cant even remember a second of it.
It's very sad to see those things happening, including people we get to love and grow up with. I guess that it was a good thing in my case that I didn't connect with JWs at all.
Something I'd think about is, did he really not recognize you? If he know who you were, I'd had used it against him. He's lying by choice, which means that he's sinning, which means that his Jehovah doesn't love him, which means that all those 25 years have been wasted because he lied and now he's still going to get killed by his own Jehovah.
I know I'm heartless.
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What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini don't think any member of the elite gb can be disfellowshipped while in the office, i think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class ceos and then latter be df'd if the need be.
i'm of this opinion from what happened to raymond franz, chitty, and greeenlees.. ray, was not df'd for apostacy while on the gb, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the wt corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.. i think the watchtower will be very reluctant to df any former gb member because they can do so much damage if they go public like ray franz did..
What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
Pissing off the other members of the GB.
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Our very own pale.emperor on the "shunned" podcast.......
by dubstepped inwell, i offered in one of his threads to have him on the show and posters seemed excited at the possibility and we got it done so now you can hear from the man himself on the newest episode of "shunned".
one of our very own stepped up to tell his story, well, aside from myself of course.
it was great getting to actually speak with him.. this is my first international interview for the podcast.
by no-zombie inone of this things that constantly reminds me of the extent and the reach the organization has into our lives, is the fact we all need pseudonyms to have a conversation or to make a comment in this even here in this place.
even when people have left the society (by however it has occurred), its rare to see somebody change their online presence to their personal name.. now i'm not expecting people to do that of course, fore we are all free to do what we like (which is the real beauty of this forum) but the fact that it doesn't occur that often, shows how much we've all been effected by being told over and over again, "not to be critical of god's organization".
of course there could be an number so side issues at play here; with some people not wanting to burn their bridges in an attempt to keep what reputation they have left intact and sadly a small minority others, do enjoy the anonymity to just talk trash ... but if a person can not feel free to stand up and respectfully make a critical comment or ask a thorny question without fear of repercussion from their religion, then doesn't it show that there is no real freedom in that faith.
...the fact that it doesn't occur that often, shows how much we've all been effected by being told over and over again, "not to be critical of God's organization".
We have in fact been affected by that organization. However, using screen names, not only is common practice throughout the entire internet of things, but it's a safety common practice.
I'm not sure that not using our real names here is necessarily a reflection of the effects of that organization. However, I do notice that very few people provide identifiable information about themselves or people they know. To me it's a combination of feeling safe in the internet in general, but also that some people are still in the process of sorting things out for themselves, and are still under different degrees of influence from that organization.
The influence of that organization is evident in other ways, particularly when some members still behave and treat this forum as if it is a congregation. Some expect the same "united in the same way of thinking" nonsense that the WT promotes, hence, they act as if anyone with a different approach, or anyone who challenges their believes is not supposed to be here.
It's not a good practice to provide personal information online, aside from that, yes, some current and former JWs prefer to maintain their anonymity. However, from the moment when they become aware that the WT is full of shit, it's on them how much they let that organization mandate their own decisions and lives.
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Signs You Would Like To See At Watchtower Convention
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki..
I think it will be more powerful to have posters of pictures of the survivors of sexual abuse all over the area of their headquarters.
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Could The Governing Body Harboring Pedophiles In High Positions Among Them?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm sure most are familiar with the greenlee's story floating around the internet.
so what if some members of the governing body have been accused of molesting a child and used the 2 witness rule to silence a accusation?
so could it be that because some high up watchtower corporation person/persons has clung to the rule because it save's his corporate ass.
Could The Governing Body Harboring Pedophiles In High Positions Among Them?
Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?