LOL! Great chart. As always, I don't quite fit in any of the boxes, starting with the first one.
LOL! Great chart. As always, I don't quite fit in any of the boxes, starting with the first one.
since we were jws at one time, has it influenced your view as to where your dead loved ones are now?
i know many here do not believe in anything biblical but i’m curious as to whether you believe anyone is in heaven?
Since we were JWs at one time, has it influenced your view as to where your dead loved ones are now? I know many here do not believe in anything biblical but I’m curious as to whether you believe anyone is in heaven??
This is a very interesting topic. I have mentioned before that when it comes to God/god/"god"/higher power/something out there, I don't have a belief, I have an attitude about it. I think that the same applies to where are my lost loved ones.
I don't know, but I also don't care. I don't feel like it's worth repeating what those who are non-believer think about christian and other religious believes regarding lost loved ones (or anybody else who has passed away for that matter).
I know that losing a loved one (I have lost a few) is painful, and I want to believe that their lives and the mark that they left in my life matter. And I guess I wish I knew that they are happy and ok if they are somewhere. That's the extend of how much I think about it. I celebrate their lives and the time that I had the opportunity of sharing with them.
I'm also sensitive, mindful and respectful of others who have different believes (or non-believes). Coping with their loss is very entangled with those believes, and I'm no one to mess with how others cope with losing a loved one. That's not the time or place for me to make a point or "being right".
a trailer for "the children act".
Thanks for sharing this.
i find this kind of amusing:.
a jw social media account recently posted a meme about cognitive dissonance seen here.. .
and then all the jws in the comment section predictably apply it to those in christendom..
And then all the JWs in the comment section predictably apply it to those in Christendom.
Is that a bad thing? It applies to everything that it applies to. BTW, that's not a meme.
... and apparently justin trudeau wears them.
also, they can come off or slip down while you are doing a press-conference to a global audience.
what a god awful embarrassment this fool is, he should stick to his indian costume dress-up and dancing routine..
Jeez guys do you believe everything some kid puts on You Tube ???
You're talking to ex-JWs, what do you think?
i have talked about him before on this forum.
he is now a graduate from mit!.
it was a lovely weekend.. i got to meet some of the friends he has made in the past four years, and some of their families.. they were very nice, decent, friendly, and enjoyable people.
MIT is a great school. Congratulations. Trust me, your support is very, very important.
ai technology in a 1,000,000 times faster than your pc.
this super intelligence will make solfware, analyze data and chrunch the number to find new cures.
Japan Is Building The Worlds Fastest Computer
Again? I've been hearing that song since the 80's.
australians deadlest animals.
Thanks. Interesting.
a good friend of ours and i were chatting the other day about the difference between a zealous person and fanatical person.. what is the difference?.
why is someone praised for being "zealous" , but another person is mocked or condemned for being a "fanatical" person?.
how would jws be classed?.
I looked at the definitions for each, and the terms seem to be somewhat related.
zeal - great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
fanaticism - the quality of being fanatical.
fanatical - filled with excessive and single-minded zeal
Seems like becoming fanatical is an unhealthy exaggeration of being zealous. I hope this helps.
i had heard that jehovah's witnesses cannot pray for disfellowshipped individuals or apostates.
is this true?.
I had heard that Jehovah's witnesses cannot pray for disfellowshipped individuals or apostates. Is this true?
Ask the JWs about it.