Now, before you think this is some elitist crap, let me say that the DW and I are working stiffs that are doing without to help our kid make it through the zoo that is high school. Most of the parents that were there are in the same boat, trying to give their kids a leg up in this world, which leads to my point...
Thank you for sharing. I like the idea of posting your memoirs. I'm sure it will be of help to many of us.
The part that I quoted from you made me think about a tendency that I still have to justify things that I do and decisions I make. I believe that when I still feel like I have to defend something I do it's the JW upbringing talking. I'm sure few people or nobody at all will question you being an "elitist", or say anything if you in fact are one. No need to justify your child's good opportunities. I'm sure you're happy to provide it for him, and I'm sure your child deserves it.