All parents want their children to grow up, mature, and become happily independent.
No normal father or parent would ever want to govern and rule over their children forever.
So if Jehovah exists and he is a heavenly 'Father' to his human progeny, and if we truly are in his image as his children, then humankind was always destined to govern itself.
If you believe in the Biblical narrative, Jehovah always intended to let go of his human children and let us rule ourselves when we were ready. This was as naturally a part of God's purpose as it is natural for all living beings to let go of their matured offspring.
Satan merely brought this plan forward. He always knew Jehovah intended mankind to govern itself eventually, but he forced Jehovah into giving mankind its independence prematurely through his interference in the garden of Eden. He claimed in the garden of Eden that mankind must learn morality and ethics by itself, the hard way, and in order to advance scientifically, so as to be fully self sufficient and ultimately govern itself successfully. Jehovah was forced to agree, despite knowing that his naive, inexperienced children would suffer terribly and hoping to mitigate that suffering.
The upshot of this? God will NEVER intervene in human affairs. There is no need of a thousand year reign or paradise earth, preceded by a global divine genocide at Armageddon.
As God's children in his image, it was always our inherent and divine destiny to govern ourselves, freely, without interference or being dictated to by some autocratic parent in heaven. This was always Jehovahs will; we have just been forced to get there the hard way, by ourselves. But we are and we will get there, slowly but surely, and painfully.
And that destiny includes advanced longevity (likely a thousand years maximum), through medical and and robotic science and innovation. In fact, the scientific foundation for this already exists and is being pursued.
...or there never was any Satan, there never was a garden of Eden, there never was a plan, there never was a Jehovah. In fact, the scientific foundation for that already exists and is being pursued.