JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-27-2016 WT Study (CHILDREN FAITH)
by blondie inblondie’s highlights from the november 27, 2016 wt study (september 2016) (parents build children faith).
excellent general website: .
Thank you for sharing, Blondie. -
I've been embarrassed so many times!
by stillin ini was kind of proud to go out in field service, most of the time.
important message, straight from god to their doors, right?.
but if you met with the group and didn't have previous arrangements, you could end up with the village idiot for a companion.
Wow, you just brought some memories. So much to think about in your post!
Since I was born in, I grew up going house to house preaching. I gave my first WT and Awake magazines to a person when I was 4. It wasn't a big deal to me. In fact, as the only activity where I could get out of the house, I actually enjoyed it. Also, that was the only way I was able to know the areas where I grew up.
However, as an adolescent and a young adult, many, many times I was paired up with people who the rest of the congregation didn't like. Those were people who were arrogant and pushy with people.
I learned how to handle them. In fact, I remember this one older guy who people hated going preaching with because he was very talkative and had a mind of his own (you know that in JW land that's a big no-no). At the same time, the people in the group weren't that fond of me either, so they thought that they were going to make me miserable by having me go with that man.
I noticed that the guy had a lot to say about a lot of things, so I let him talk and talk and talk. In fact, I encouraged him to talk more by asking him questions. Turns out he was quite an interesting person with a lot of knowledge about a lot of things. So we had a great time preaching house to house, he did and said whatever he wanted and I had absolutely no problem at all.
When we were done, ready to part ways, in front of everyone he express how delightful he was of going preaching with me and hugged me. Of course, the rest of the group hated me more.
I know well how dreadful it is to deal with everything around house to house preaching. I don't think God is anywhere near those events or people.
Hard to be completely respectful and the JW attitude
by scratchme1010 inrecently at work they conducted an mbti test for me.
for those who don't know, the mbti test is a personality test used by organizational psychologists in companies and organizations.
it is supposed to describe the best way you communicate, the best way of giving and receiving feedback, and for managers that test is supposed to explain to them the best way to manage their employees (i'm over simplifying, i know).. my profile came up as some kind of introvert (and when i was told that i said "what?
Luo bou to and Diogenesister, I agree. It's about us normal human beings with feelings, when we place flowers in people's graves. When my mother passed away earlier this year, I made a little memorial collage of pictures and laminated it. I placed it in her grave. My JW family removed it when I left.
They are offensive and hurtful and cocky about it.
Hard to be completely respectful and the JW attitude
by scratchme1010 inrecently at work they conducted an mbti test for me.
for those who don't know, the mbti test is a personality test used by organizational psychologists in companies and organizations.
it is supposed to describe the best way you communicate, the best way of giving and receiving feedback, and for managers that test is supposed to explain to them the best way to manage their employees (i'm over simplifying, i know).. my profile came up as some kind of introvert (and when i was told that i said "what?
Recently at work they conducted an MBTI test for me. For those who don't know, the MBTI test is a personality test used by organizational psychologists in companies and organizations. It is supposed to describe the best way you communicate, the best way of giving and receiving feedback, and for managers that test is supposed to explain to them the best way to manage their employees (I'm over simplifying, I know).
My profile came up as some kind of introvert (and when I was told that I said "What? Me, an introvert? No way!"). The profile has these letters that describe your personality from different perspectives, and mine is INTJ. They call that profile "the scientist" or "the architect". Introverted - iNtuitive - Thinking - Judging.
Here's the thing, regardless of how useful or effective the test is, the place where I work goes by it and uses it as a handbook. People in my work group commonly talk about each other using those MBTI terms, and sometimes I hear people saying things like "that's the J in me". I am like, whatever. Honestly I think that those tests are lame attempts at having shortcuts in getting to know and learning how to work with people, or an excuse to explain what otherwise would be chaos and constant conflict. Again, whatever.
Anyway, one thing that I hated when reading in my profile, but unfortunately I believe was on point, is the fact that I seem to thrive or communicate better in a negative way, using negativity, even my humor. According to the profile I'm supposed to use "negative humor" when trying to be humorous. And yes, I hate to admit it, but it's true. Just take a look at most of my post replies and see how negative I tend to be, even when I'm being humorous.
Is negativity negative (what I mean is, does negativity has a negative effect)? Not necessarily, at least in my experience. At work, for example, when we're interviewing candidates for job positions, I love playing "the devil's advocate". The questions I ask and how I frame them help providing a great deal of information about how a candidate can handle him/herself in different situations (BTW, I am the only INTJ in my group). Most importantly, negative doesn't mean untrue, nor does it mean inaccurate, nor dishonest. it only means negative.
When I feel strongly about something, I do love using my negative humor, sarcasm and struggle with people skills (typical traits of the INTJ personality) to make my point. Furthermore, in many conversations I have, and in many instances when somebody claims that I have been offensive to them, I find myself stating "I'm not being offensive; I'm just saying something you don't like hearing. (Depending on the situation, sometimes I add "Grow up!")".
Which is why I am posting this in an ex-JW forum. For some reason, as I was reading my profile, most of the instances in which I could think about when describing situations where my personality profile was evident, had to do with my JW upbringing.
The most notable was this one time when both my JW parents were alive and I went to visit them in the Dominican Republic where they retired. My parents have always been very crass when talking about other people's religious believes, as they feel/felt superior for being in "the truth". They loved mocking people when they saw them doing anything religious that was not according to their "truth".
One of their typical mocking jokes was about people leaving flowers on graves. They would always make stupid comments about the dead not being able to see or smell the flowers. Every time they saw a roadside memorial with crosses and/or flowers, one would tell the other "Look, apparently those pagan idiots expect the dead to go there to smell the flowers! What a waste of time and money", or something like that. Sometimes their choice of words was not exactly nice; it wasn't pleasant hearing them (leave alone growing up hearing them all the time saying that).
One day they did that same disrespectful mocking joke while driving with me in their car. We passed by some roadside memorial and there they were, making some stupid comment. "Look, another idiot expecting the dead to come smell the flowers". Fed up with their cockiness, and also me now being an independent non-JW adult, out of the JW nonsense for decades, I said "Well, I know of people who are worse. I know of idiots who claim that they are going to live 1,000 years".
And that's the best example I could come up with about my INTJ profile accuracy.
one day convention
by zeb inwell my wife is off to a one day convention and will doubtless return home cranky and tired.
Cranky and tired? Isn't she supposed to return spiritually fortified or something like that?
Second birthday!
by Nihilistic Journey inturning 42 and celebrating my second birthday!
there's some strange crap only we could understand..
Happy birthday.
Changed Wording in February 2017 WT Article
by Ding inthe february 2017 wt had stated that the gb is "neither inspired nor infallible" and that it can make errors in doctrine.. the language of the online wt issue now says, “the governing body is neither inspired nor perfect.
therefore, it can make mistakes when explaining the bible or directing the organization.”.
why the change?
Why the change?
Because they are a controlling cult that tries to sell pure --it to people.
WTBTS' corrupt translation - to elevate elders!
by The Searcher inthe wt march 2017, p.11, par.
13 quotes ephesians 4:8 as saying, "the bible refers to them as 'gifts in men.
however, the org's own kingdom interlinear translation (and every other bible translation) gives a truthful translation of the verse: .
Pity that Witnesses don't use their K.I.T. to verify what the RNWT says!
It's a brainwashing cult. There are reasons why they have their own translation of the Bible. They are going to do every single thing they can to look better, gain power and control over other people and make more money.
Regardless, I agree that that's how many elders think of themselves.
Anybody have $1000 or so to throw into this hole?
by AnonVet inblow $1000+.
put a reference to your favorite website up..
What a waste of time and money!
Vegan paradise
by coalize inif in the wts earthly-paradise fantasy, the wolf won't eat no more the lamb and they will be the best friends, will human continue to kill lambs to eat?.
the earthly paradise is vegan?.
If in the WTS earthly-paradise fantasy, the wolf won't eat no more the lamb and they will be the best friends, will human continue to kill lambs to eat?
The earthly paradise is vegan?
Yes, vegan.
What about the rest of the carnivore animals that eat other species?
The whole thing doesn't make any sense.