I remember when I was about 17, I started shunning an older brother
because he was disfellowshipped. When I graduated high school, he pulled
me aside and said " I know you are not supposed to talk to me, but I
want you to have this" It was a gift that he had custom made for me. I
was so blown away, we never even had a real conversation before. I felt
like such an asshole, even back then. It goes to show how corrupt the
Org is and how far just simple christian kindness will go.
No, I never experienced true kindness from a JW, or I should clarify, never from a real in JW. There were one or two people who were nice to me and supportive, but they all ended up disfellowshipped, faded or disassociated. Never once, not one active JW in good standing was nice to me, including my own family.
In another post about a defining moment, I talked about this one day when I met this happy Dominican woman. Observing her made me feel inspired and that's when i made the decision of going to college. What I actually realized is that what had a strong impression in me about that person was that it was the first time in my life when i saw a person genuinely, legitimately happy, truly joyful. As a born in, all I grew up seeing were people wearing glazed happy faces, bragging about how better they are for being in their stupid "truth", feeding their ego and feeling superior by it, or people using their Jehovah as a magic cure to all their issues.
I don't remember seeing a JW truly happy, hence, their so-called kindness always had a hidden agenda attached and a there was a catch to it.