There have been instances, I won't say how, where I've felt some members are being deliberate in their attempt to feign support for the anti-JW rhetoric on this forum.
Not sure what you're asking. This is a forum for ex-JWs and for current JWs who may be questioning their faith. Of course, a number of current JWs lurk around for a number of reasons, and there are some idiot JWs who may be spying to try to snitch. If have been here for some time
My questions to you are:
- Why are you still a JW?
- Why do you feel it's ok to have to hide for decades, for something as simple as joining a discussion forum and only who knows what else?
- Why if you have been in this forum for some time now you call our histories, experiences and most importantly FACTS, "rhetoric"?
I know that JWs have this black and white mentality, and sadly all they see and perceive is through their own lenses. Therefore, to me it makes sense that as a JW you may see anything that people post as propaganda, or some kind of persuasive talk to entice people. That's JW nonsense. JWs do that, we don't.
Many of us (and definitely me included) can't care less about convincing anyone of what we post. My history is my history, my believes are my believes, my bad experiences in that organization are all there. I don't need to convince anyone of my realities or facts, nor do I have any interest in making anyone act, believe or do how I act, believe or do.
Yes, Active JWs come to forums like this to either try to catch others they may know and tell on them, or to go back to their studies and rant about all the "dirty disgusting things people say in these forums", or because of simple curiosity (JWs are human too). Some lurk around learning, not feeling in a place where they are comfortable posting anything for fear or for shyness or because they are not completely sure of where they want to go.